Chris Taylor
normally I would but when they get drafted is also important info.
I like the Shamizy method of setting new cards aside, making packs, and seeding them with new cards at the end. Keeps things random, gives you pick orders and possibly playtest data, and only skews the draft slightly (depending on how large your test pool is). Just a thought!normally I would but when they get drafted is also important info.
I think Mortify found it's exit in my cube. Anguished Unmaking was exactly what Utter End needed to be to be awesome imo. 3 is so much more flexible in usage than 4, and the downside isn't horrendous.
Nahiri seems to be pretty bonkers? Kinda like the filtering of Daretti, but with Excoriate++ strapped on as the minus, and Chord for Tinker as the Ult? Yes please. Now, is it tooooo good? My RW section seems to be dying for something interesting so I hope not! I feel like I'll have to test her out regardless. Probably in place of Boros Reckoner.
Ajani V. is probably the better card.
Effectively the exact same power problem as Magister of Worth, but no voting and exile. It's too bad cause these self-enclosed wipe-angels are really cool in theory.Speaking of too powerful...
I think Nahiri's problem is that the ultimate doesn't necessarily do very much in RW. If the ultimate was near game-ending, then the opponent would have to attack her and she would do a good Gideon Jura impression. Instead, ticking Nahiri up isn't much of a threat.
If red didn't get bulk mythics constantly the public might realize that red is actually the most exciting colour these days
EDIT: Mark Rosewater just said on his tumblr that we're getting 4 planeswalkers this set.
Nahiri, Tamiyo, Dark!Jace (ugh I know), and Tibalt? Dare2dream, I know... It seems like we need a Sorin since SHOWDOWN w/ NAHIRI but I don't honestly know, this new planeswalker clusterfuck is a goddamn mess to keep up with for me
EDIT #2 (fuck): Except we're getting Wolfmother, so... Wolfmother, Nahiri, Tamiyo, and almost definitely NOT Tibalt (god dammit) since they'll want one of their poster children in the set