I guess this is a more fair Geist of Saint Traft, but it's not really something I was looking for, personally. I'm not sure. This kind of effect (not the flying angel per se) is more something I'd have rather seen in
Regarding spoilers so far...
- Handlands look dreadful for aggro and a bad topdeck, so I'll be passing.
- Burn From Within solves a problem my format doesn't really have. It's tempting for the exile clause, but Devil's Play has been so much better than it looks here, and I can't imagine passing on it for an exile clause.
- Engulf the Shore more like engulf the snore amirite
- Sin Prodder I'm honestly still wary of the potential trouble this punisher-draw could generate, but I'll likely be trying to find a spot for it. I have about 6 uncuttables at Red 3, though... Could be tough.
- Tireless Tracker Grows way too slow, has to be played very early to generate many counters out of it, green 3's are a nightmare zone already, pass pass pass
- Ulvenwald Mysteries I'm intrigued but I really don't see this doing enough for my list. Maybe something to look at down the road, though
Final Thoughts: Is 3 mana the new 4? I'm finding more and more these days that the 3-drop spot is the most competitive in my cube. Is it the nature of a low-curve cube, or is it that they're putting more goodies in at 3 that are fun to mess around with? Either way, I'm not complaining - bring on the good cards!