Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

Library is probably bad in your cubes anyway. If your creatures Re reasonably efficient and cheap but your interaction is expensive you can probably draw all the cards you want and still lose to 2/1s and 2/1 decks will never activate.


Certainly, but the implication of the statement has some merit. Further, I'm not sure why "automatically win all long game mirrors with an uncounterable zero mana investment" is desirable even if the hyperbole that it does nothing in other matchups is true.


Ecstatic Orb
Help someone out who never played Kamigawa - what is the point of Kodama's Might and other cards where the Splice cost is the same, or even higher than, the card's CMC?
You get to keep the card you are splicing onto another arcane spell. So, if you splice Kodama's Might onto a Rend Flesh, you get to keep the Kodama's Might.

Chris Taylor

Help someone out who never played Kamigawa - what is the point of Kodama's Might and other cards where the Splice cost is the same, or even higher than, the card's CMC?

It's this weird combination of kicker and buyback that confuses the hell out of people. There's card advantage to be had, but you need enough arcane spells.

Fun trivia: Kodama's Reach Splicing Glacial Ray: what color should I give my creature protection from with blessed breath to prevent the damage?
(This lost someone worlds)
Still, as someone who has never spliced into arcane and started playing when kamigawa was long dead, it only took a moment to read "add this card's effect to that spell."

It's completely irrelevant rules-wise, but when people said "STORMkirk noble" instead of "STROMkirk noble" I couldn't take them seriously- many streamers, casters, and pro-level players just don't read cards it seems.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
The thing is, I pronounce cards correctly and I'm totally on top of understanding cards and knowing rules formatting, but I can't do much better than x-x at a GP or PTQ
Green. And had he named the correct color, the entire spell would have been countered, including the mana ramp. That would have been brutal!
Ugh. That kind of shit is part of what's terrible about board/card games. Touch Move, Touch Take is a necessary evil, but it's still evil. "Oh I'm sorry, anyone with half a brain knows you would cast your spell in a way that, y'know, actually makes it do something, but since this is a tournament, tough luck! Free win for your opponent! Yayyyyy!"

In digital turn-based games, especially at one of my favorite sites, the existence of an undo button is just so freakin wonderful. You can do calculations in your head for 20 minutes and still miss something that's painfully obvious once you lay your card on the table, or shoot the gun at the thing. And hey, this was just a preview - now hit Undo or Reset Turn or whatever and do the obvious, sensible thing.

I loathe when I leave up the wrong kind of mana, such that I can't cast anything in my hand with it, but don't realize this until midway through my turn and oh, nope, you've seen my actions so now you can't fix your error, because there's no way for player B to know for sure that I'm not pulling a fast one.

Except for the fact that we're all (theoretically) friends and I'm not a giant, competitive bag of cocks who would do that - and neither are you, so I'd be happy to extend you the same favor if you ever needed it.


Board games, right?

This is part of what I love about Terra Mystica - sure, it's a little less exciting due to no hidden information, but because there's no hidden information you can always undo your turn and re-jigger it when you realize you have one coin more or less than you thought. The unexpected upside from that lack of hidden info is that, because there's no opportunity for shenanigans, people are suddenly so nice to each other: are you doing something the hard way or missing an obvious play? It's very likely that someone else at the table will point it out to you!

That almost never happens in Magic; the environment of bluffing and Instant-speed bombs fosters a mindset during other players' turns of thinking "please fuck up, please fuck up, I'm just waiting here to exploit every tiniest error and ruin your day, PLEASE make a mistake!" This might be part of why "blue players" have a reputation for being cocks; even if they're nice people, blue cards foster dickish lines of thinking that bleed out into not just your gameplay, but your game manners and persona. Maybe.

But hey, Instants and morphs have a lot of fun gameplay to them, so I guess we're stuck with it!


Ecstatic Orb
Takebacks are a regular feature on my cube nights, enough so that some of my regulars old-schoolers call it an Ebony Horse. As the most experienced player I often find myself asking things like "Ok, I block your 2/2 with my 3/3. Did you mean to attack with that or did you miss the 3/3?" If they have a trick, nice, they got me. If they missed the blocker they can take back the attack. We're playing for fun, right?
Takebacks are a regular feature on my cube nights, enough so that some of my regulars old-schoolers call it an Ebony Horse. As the most experienced player I often find myself asking things like "Ok, I block your 2/2 with my 3/3. Did you mean to attack with that or did you miss the 3/3?" If they have a trick, nice, they got me. If they missed the blocker they can take back the attack. We're playing for fun, right?
Hi, where do you live.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
On top of that library isn't a remotely interesting card. It get by on pure power level, the design itself isn't interesting (see: Magus of the Library that no one cares about). Just like I wouldn't be impressed if someone took a lightning bolt, sharpied the three into a, I don't know, seven and started bragging about how great it is, I find Library banal.

I have thought about what Magic would look like if it was balanced around the library/ancestral recall power level and it is pretty difficult to conceive of it making any sense.

Eh, it can work, you just need to be able to use the cards at that velocity too.

I don't know, doesn't Netrunner have some pretty strong card draw?


Ecstatic Orb
Nord hjem, sprak mjau? Jeg svak troll-katt.


Seriously though, I have no idea what you're saying. Google translate tells me it's something like "Northern home, crackling meow? I faint troll cat.", but that makes no sense at all :D

For some Dutch try this: Hoi bumbeh! Ik heb geen idee waar je woont, maar je bent welkom om een keer te komen cuben hoor. Stuur maar een PM als je in de buurt van Groningen bent ;)

(Huh. Google translate does a pretty nice job, except that it totally mangles "een keer te komen cuben hoor", but "cuben" is slang, so I can forgive their algorithm for not being able to make sense of that word :))