Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

Has the same downside as other 3 mana tri colour cards. It's really hard to cast. You'd also need a fairly specific deck, tokens/kiln fiend etc.

How oppressive is this guy? I could imagine he's alright by the fact that he's online by turn 6 the earliest, maybe turn 5 off a rock, and you could just get run over before that? Seems like a good incentive to draft the bigger UR/x deck

I recently added this to my cube and i've really enjoyed playing with it. It's a nice control mirror breaker and a card that people are just generally excited to play with. Highly recommended.

I know, I know, we've been through stoneforge mystic. Still, is this worth a shot? I'm actively looking for something "unfair", but maybe its either a do-nothing or just oppressive? Tinker is there as another "unfair" card that would be fun to try with less feel bad targets.
I ran Elbrus in my Cube for like four months, and it got onto the battlefield three times. Sure, you can Tinker Welder Soldier Scry it but it's just so many more hoops to jump through than other targets. I like Bonehoard if you want to Stoneforge stuff, and Staff of Nin is an awesome fair tinker target and sees Legacy play (okay, okay, in MUD). Pike is great but I like it more in control decks, where all your card filtering and trades serve to give whatever value dude you've got left inevitability.
If you're not going to run Swords, Umezawa's Jitte or Batterskull, why not trying running

I think doubling up on Bonesplitter seems fine for the aggro decks. Bonehoard can be awesome if you run a Graveyard theme. Runechanter's Pike is also good if you really like the spell heavy decks.

Elburus just seems WAY WAY to clunky. I would never want to hard cast it.

Elbrus totally costs like twelve million mana to cast so it's out of the picture if we're realistic, yeah. Probably better to just good equipment, but I'm unsure if it's still worth it? Probably depends on the format, but I think some other people said it just wasnt worth to run it without the broken equipment and theres tons of reasons not to wanna run swords& jitte.

Tinker Welder Soldier Spy :p Although the last one might be part of this session of 'find the fault'
In what way is warhammer miserable? Too slow? Or is the life gain oppressive?

Honest question. I've been tempted to add this thing back in to replace my last sword.
Tinker is there as another "unfair" card that would be fun to try with less feel bad targets.

I hope people has talked about this, but Aether Searcher is awesome. 6/4 isn't that impressive, but turn 2 - 3 it can get the job done and more importantly it will bring some added value with it.
Best part of it is, that you can't know what that value will be when you pick it ! :)
Most of the time it has been good value in our drafts.

In what way is warhammer miserable? Too slow? Or is the life gain oppressive?
Honest question. I've been tempted to add this thing back in to replace my last sword.

I have enjoyed an uncommon Elephant Hammer in the triple mirrodin drafts back in the day... one dude had 3 of em in his deck... he did not lose :)
It is the next best thing you can have after Jitte, Batterskull and Swords.
Elephant Hammer invalidates the option of racing to kill you. Also it usually takes out the option of chump blocking.

Side Note: I use Behemoth Sledge over it, but i still have a couple of Swords, so i can't say Elephant Hammer is that obnoxious in that sense :p
Also my cube runs 720-cards, so i can't say having some trouble equipments in my cube are as dangerous than in those smaller cubes where you always see the same stuff all the time.
I hope people has talked about this, but Aether Searcher is awesome. 6/4 isn't that impressive, but turn 2 - 3 it can get the job done, but more importantly it will bring some added value with it.
Best part of it is, that you can't know what that value will be when you pick it ! :)
Most of the time it has been good value in our drafts..

Oh, great to hear! Sounds like a card that rewards trick play, something my drafters been asking for. I'll try it out!
Oh, great to hear! Sounds like a card that rewards trick play, something my drafters been asking for. I'll try it out!
Though this card might be hard to fit in a 360, our group has really liked Unexpected Potential also.
Want to have a Phyrexian Obliterator in your mono red aggro ? Done.
Want to have a Wildfire in your mono black ? Done. (also pretty effective if you run multiple wildfires !)
How about Mystic Snake in your mono white? No problem! :)

EDIT: A lot of spelling failures. My english sucks, sorry :)
EDIT2: oh wow, i just realized how much more awesome that card is...
Having multiples seems like a really good idea after all..
Non-Red Wildfire deck ? what?!
Non-Green Aluren deck ? what?!
Though this card might be hard to fit in a 360, our group has really liked Unexpected Potential also.
Want to have a Phyrexian Obliterator in your mono red aggro ? Done.
Want to have a Wildfire in your mono black ? Done. (also pretty effective if you run multiple wildfires !)
How about Mystic Snake in your mono white? No problem! :)

EDIT: A lot of spelling failures. My english sucks, sorry :)
EDIT2: oh wow, i just realized how much more awesome that card is...
Having multiples seems like a really good idea after all..
Non-Red Wildfire deck ? what?!
Non-Green Aluren deck ? what?!

My favorite uses:
Making Cruel Ultimatum cost {7}!
Putrid Leech or Goblin Guide in white weenie!
Surprise Counterspell in mono-red aggro!
Unexpected potential seems like it's got... Potential. The memory issues bug me on the conspiracies like this (yeah I know get some sticky notes) but this makes for some interesting deck building choices and drafting tensions - especially when grid drafting... Hmm...
What do you guys think of this babsy?


Seems like ya gotta try it!

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member

Is this guy a thing? I know he has all kinds of synergies going on, and is great Wrath protection, but his front side is so uninspiring he keeps on tabling around here.
People might like him better if there were more walkers to defend / attack. it sorta reminds me of playing with a more fair lingering souls. 3 power trades with a lot of things in cube, but sadly 2 toughness does too. It's really sweet if you can trade a lot or you sandbag it.



Is this guy a thing? I know he has all kinds of synergies going on, and is great Wrath protection, but his front side is so uninspiring he keeps on tabling around here.

yeah i kinda wonder too. probs coming out at some point, can always put him in later if there's more cards he goes well with.

tonight's card is something that ate my face on the beta several times


Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I actually think Goblin Heelcutter is really good, as taking out their best blocker plus attacking for 3 immediately can represent a crapton of damage in the early game. Imagine you have a random 2/2 and 3/3, and they have a Wall of Omens. Normally you attack and hit them for 2. If instead you dash this, you smack them for 8 (!).

The main consideration is him versus Pyreheart Wolf, and I still have a soft spot for the little guy. All of these "can't block" guys are really good for giving RDW-style decks more dimensions, though, and help enable swarm aggro, as opposed to Lava Spike / Ball Lightning burn.
