Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight


Six damage is definitely a lot. I've never played it, because conditional removal that also can do some damage is not really something I ever had a lack of in red, but you can welder/daretti the token when you are done with it which is kinda cool. I'd venture its runable, but I also think it'll probably end up in 24th card territory.
I was pushing MBC really hard at one point and had Obliterator in for a very short time. I only saw it played once in a free-for-all multiplayer game. It was an unblockable 5/5 basically. Though someone did Willbender an Incinerate onto it. That was pretty awesome.

Too bad Lure is unplayable, because Obliterator with a Lure would be seriously messed up.


I was pushing MBC really hard at one point and had Obliterator in for a very short time. I only saw it played once in a free-for-all multiplayer game. It was an unblockable 5/5 basically. Though someone did Willbender an Incinerate onto it. That was pretty awesome.

Too bad Lure is unplayable, because Obliterator with a Lure would be seriously messed up.

Its for moments like this that we break singleton on fetchlands.

I'm a notable not-fan of hexproof. Is this card fun?

Because it has no evasion and has to attack to be good, it's actually surprisingly OK. It gets much less fair in a deck with a ton of removal though because your opponent blocking is obviously the easiest way to remove this thing.

I had this card in for awhile and I found it was super sweet in UW tempo. Bounce there blockers and keep hitting them for 6, all essentially for three mana and just playing your game plan. Really good card.
Evasive Hexproof = bad, but guys like Geist are just fine. Unless you suit him up or make him huge somehow, he's not going to just be able to attack whenever he wants. Everything can deal with a 2/2.

I think even new Ojutai should be fine since he has only conditional hexproof, and I've been looking for a nice UW control non-walker finisher for a while.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
If you run Geist in a list with a lot of strong equipment, or cheap evasion-granting auras like Spectral Flight, things might get dumb really fast. But otherwise, I think that he's a fun inclusion, like others have said, as it becomes a puzzle to figure out how to get a hexproof bear to survive combat. He's also a great signal to push someone into UW tempo, if they were drafting a bunch of white critters and hadn't committed to a second colour yet.


WW is definitely good enough with the ULD, I wouldn't run it otherwise (nor Primeval Titan).

I couldn't justify spending a slot on Tithe


Ecstatic Orb
Icatian Javelineers is hip, definitely playable. I just ordered the new art yesterday.

What about this? I have the feeling it always underperforms in my cube. There's not much combo to speak of (certainly not game-winning ones), so basically it's just card disadvantage. Am I crazy for not liking it much?
FoW has always been borderline for me. It's okay though, and feels like one of the more skilltesting cards that I run, so I keep it. It's decent in a blue tempo-oriented deck, and it's also passable in a control deck, especially on the draw, where you sometimes need to counter an early spell or risk getting run over. But it doesn't feel great in a cube that doesn't support much combo.


When I think about it, I always think force of will is crap. I mean, 2for1ing yourself and paying a life to get some tempo seems pretty bad. But then, someone drafts it, puts it in their deck as a 24th card and it does great work. I like it in White/Blue heroic a lot, because that's a deck you can often have redundant cards (too many auras or too many creatures) and being able to tap out and still disrupt them is super important. It also does work in Green/Blue ramp where hardcasting it doesn't feel too bad.

The main reason I don't take it out is because I had an old force of will which was extremely damaged, to the point it was easily recognizable even if you totally weren't looking for it, so my friends bought me a new one for Christmas and I would kinda feel weird cutting it.

Chris Taylor

When I think about it, I always think force of will is crap. I mean, 2for1ing yourself and paying a life to get some tempo seems pretty bad. But then, someone drafts it, puts it in their deck as a 24th card and it does great work. I like it in White/Blue heroic a lot, because that's a deck you can often have redundant cards (too many auras or too many creatures) and being able to tap out and still disrupt them is super important. It also does work in Green/Blue ramp where hardcasting it doesn't feel too bad.

The main reason I don't take it out is because I had an old force of will which was extremely damaged, to the point it was easily recognizable even if you totally weren't looking for it, so my friends bought me a new one for Christmas and I would kinda feel weird cutting it.

I feel ya. As a going away present when I moved back to Toronto one of my players bestowed upon my cube a foil Puppeteer Clique and a playset of Tempest Wastelands. No way Tectonic Edge is going in my cube now! :p


Icatian Javelineers is hip, definitely playable. I just ordered the new art yesterday.

What about this? I have the feeling it always underperforms in my cube. There's not much combo to speak of (certainly not game-winning ones), so basically it's just card disadvantage. Am I crazy for not liking it much?

it's kinda weak but surely good enough. tapping out and then forcing someone's play is a hilarious dynamic everyone should love.

daze on the other hand is a piece of crap

while we're on the topic of foils



Ecstatic Orb
I might be more down with Force if it wasn't a €60 card. At that prize you kinda got to be really awesome to be worth the inclusion I feel, because I could also sell the card and buy a slew of more interesting and semi-expensive cards.

I also kinda like Foil for the same reason? Also, I'm inclined to believe I'ld be more willing to ditch an Island and a random useless card of any color than a blue card specifically?
I love me some Force of Will. Being able to progress your board and stifle your opponents board progression is the biggest of game.

I recently added Daze to my cube, it's been a serious power house. A well crafted cube deck wants to spend all its mana from turn 1-4 (That isn't Mono Red). That said, I LOVE tempo based blue decks, so I am biased.

Does this do enough?

Count the one toughness creatures in your cube. If you feel the number is high enough then It might be worth a shot, but my gut feeling says no.


I might be more down with Force if it wasn't a €60 card. At that prize you kinda got to be really awesome to be worth the inclusion I feel, because I could also sell the card and buy a slew of more interesting and semi-expensive cards.

I also kinda like Foil for the same reason? Also, I'm inclined to believe I'ld be more willing to ditch an Island and a random useless card of any color than a blue card specifically?

blue card: fun drafting and deckbuilding constraint! just like legacy.

yo just make a proxy