idgaf about Twin
Amulet you finish, but Splinter Twin was one of the best decks of all time!
idgaf about Twin
Amulet you finish, but Splinter Twin was one of the best decks of all time!
If your Coke has no ice, why does your avatar wear a ludicrous warm hat?Hello I am new this sentence is my introduction.
At my store it's $6 to enter and a pack per win after 4 rounds. The last place player typically gets a bye (don't ask me how this works with even people idk I think usually people drop) and thus a pack. I have gotten this pack before and I've also gotten 4 boosters for undefeated. This guy also runs a fatty draft with everybody who wants to draft playing each other (which has issues itself but w/e) with some other structure for that (top 50% get prizes I think).
I think he can afford to do this because he runs a separate fnm for kids that starts an hour earlier, and kids are stupid and buy lots of things. Also he def still makes money on this, I know because he's a hustler and doesn't actually care about games or comics or whatever, he just gets his, and I respect that.
How old is the perennial last placer? It can be hard to distinguish between superstition and statistics before a certain age (or without exposure to relevant education). The only thing I can think of is to switch decks with him and see what happens when he plays your deck and you play his.
P.S. your brew is amazing if I had cocos I'd play that mess.
If your Coke has no ice, why does your avatar wear a ludicrous warm hat?Also, welcome!
My current LGS cuts to top 4, even with crowds easily as big as 16-24. I do wish some times they'd cut to top 8 more, but I'm not the TO so it is what it is. Your prize support method sure is an interesting way to do it. Sounds like how me and my buddies used to split boxes once we had drafted them. I'm not sure what to say about the poor dude who just doesn't seem to want to improve? His deck is built like I'd imagine if one was just starting and was playing against their brother's also-128-card-stack. But he's bringing it to a paid FNM. Have you figured out why he insists on having such a disheveled pile, and not a cleaner deck? Do they want to improve in the game, or just have fun with all their cards? Are they aware that you can have fun with all your cards by building >1 deck? As much as I like last place prizes, it is a tournament...
The prize pool does sort of peter out after like pack 3. That is why I throw two FNM promos int he pool, thye usually go 4-6th pick as the rest of the rares are terrible. There have been many times where I have come third, gotten two boosters and gotten worse than draft chaff, which is why I like the rare drafting better (So I guess I feel the opposite way to you). At least you are guaranteed a good card when you do well. Although, I did come 3rd last night and got a Goblin Dark-Dwellers, which I had been looking for for a while. Plus giving people choice is also part of the prize. The guy who came 4th took Taziri, which I thought would go last, but that commander appeal goes a long way I guess. I'd rather have the chaff I want the most than random chaff from a random prize booster.I'd say you're ruining a small part of your store's 'spirit' by ruining the booby prize, but if the same kid gets it EVERY week then yeah, it's probably not a good practice. "Rare drafting" is so alien to me... you say 13 people got a prize, but how bad were the last 6 or 7 rares? I'd much rather get 4th or 5th, get a pack or two, and get unlucky than watch the (maybe) three desirable rares get taken and be saddled with chaff. The random number of 'good' rares is just so high for prizes to work like that. It's a neat idea, but if I had a choice I would never pick that system over more traditional types.
How old is the perennial last placer? It can be hard to distinguish between superstition and statistics before a certain age (or without exposure to relevant education). The only thing I can think of is to switch decks with him and see what happens when he plays your deck and you play his.
P.S. your brew is amazing if I had cocos I'd play that mess.
None of the stores I've been to for FNM have given a 'booby prize' for coming in last place, so I don't think you're out of line in removing that long-standing tradition at your store. To be sure, removing it does change the 'culture' of the store a bit, especially if players had that expectation from the owner's policy, which could've been in place for years. But I think your new prize layout is both better and more fair for the player base overall.
One store I frequented did give out one or two FNM promos randomly to entrants who were out of contention for all other prizes. I always thought that was a nice perk - gave a 'participation' prize to someone who might be having an off day, or to the kids who were just learning how to draft.
At my old LGS in another town we did something similar. At the end of a draft all rares and foils were thrown into the prize pool and you pick from your placing and cycle around 3+ times. Since there was 24 packs opened, there was generally even something good for the person who came 8th. I really liked this as it discouraged rare-drafting and incentivised building a good deck to win. At my current LGS we just keep what we draft and the only prize support is FNM promos. I've never been happy with it as I feel like some just try and money draft, have a terrible pile, lose all their games but still come out on top money wise due to knowing a cards worth, compared to someone who crushed with his all common deck.Back in the day when we ran drafts, all the drafted cards were the prize pool. That just seemed like the simplest way to run a draft, no organizer was required, the players could just run the event whenever they had table space. The store sold packs, the event is competitive, and 100% of the money stays in the prize pool. Basically perfect. I assumed that's how everyone ran drafts.
Then, years later I got to the store, win a draft and I go to collect the cards and everyone looks at me like I'm kicking their puppy and I got to feel like a dick who steals cards from children.
- Was I in the wrong with the booby prize kid? How can I help him when he doesn't want to be helped? Just keep giving him loser prizes?
IMO, no. But I think I should also tell a story, because maybe my view on this is skewed.
I had a similar situation come up back when I was active in the competitive scene. This was Lotus Cobra-Jace, the Mind Sculptor-Titan standard, before people figured out they should be playing Caw-Go or something like that. I'm a little fuzzy on the timeline. I was on RUG, or possibly BUG by that point (a sick metagame move on my part, I really have to hand it to myself. Doom blades are a lot better against titans than lightning bolts are). Anyway, point is, Infect was a bad matchup for me.
Somewhere near the last round every night for several weeks running I kept running into this kid, mid teens, running Infect. I'd sit down horrified at the prospect of having to mulligan into removal. And then.... then he'd proceed to run each game into the ground because he was nervous about playing me. He started saying things before the match even started about how I was going to crush him. Honestly, I saw a lot of my younger self in this dude. He was just really anxious. After a few weeks of this happening I was finally like "dude, you're talking yourself into these losses. You can beat me. You probably should beat me. Every time you talk about how I'm going to crush you before we even shuffle up, I mentally fist pump because I know you're handing me an advantage"
...I stopped somewhere around there, because dude kinda looked like he was going to get upset. I wasn't trying to be a dick to him, I was trying to shake him out of it. I came by the store something like a year later and he was destroying people, but averted his eyes when he saw me :/
Does the booby prize end up with people playing out the 0-2 bracket to see who "loses"?
This feels close to my story but your kid had the skills and the knowledge to succeed, just self-confidence problems. This is the complete opposite of this kid. He doesn't have skills and anything we try and teach him flies throughout the other ear. Self-confidence he has in spades, he goes on after a game going 'if only...' more blaming his luck rather than the things he has control of. So my saying: 'If you actually try and win some games then you get a prize', was my attempt to kick him into gear, I just don't know if it is actually possible for him.Somewhere near the last round every night for several weeks running I kept running into this kid, mid teens, running Infect. I'd sit down horrified at the prospect of having to mulligan into removal. And then.... then he'd proceed to run each game into the ground because he was nervous about playing me. He started saying things before the match even started about how I was going to crush him. Honestly, I saw a lot of my younger self in this dude. He was just really anxious. After a few weeks of this happening I was finally like "dude, you're talking yourself into these losses. You can beat me. You probably should beat me. Every time you talk about how I'm going to crush you before we even shuffle up, I mentally fist pump because I know you're handing me an advantage"
...I stopped somewhere around there, because dude kinda looked like he was going to get upset. I wasn't trying to be a dick to him, I was trying to shake him out of it. I came by the store something like a year later and he was destroying people, but averted his eyes when he saw me :/
this feels like a This American Life segment tbh and i'm really into it