New Patch!
I've taken this opportunity to remove some of the more overpowered cards we were discussing earlier, and re-tune my artifact mana, as well as remove a few underperformers. For the most part signets turned into talismans and a few miscellaneous ones, but Izzet Signet stayed in because WotC doesn't have the balls to do 10 card cycles ever.
I'm also taking a look at some of the more fringe archetypes in my cube: Tokens(Green, White and Black), Blue Tempo, and Black Control.
I added Gather the Townsfolk because I found most of the token cards lay higher up on the curve, and I wanted the archetype to be a bit less midrangey (though that may be a hopeless effort). I can't wait to see someone Snapcaster this with fateful hour on.
I haven't added too much to the effect of the blue tempo strategy, but it's a tough archetype to nail down. The only blue based aggro deck in recent memory hinged entirely on narrow and arguable overpowered cards (Blue/White Delver + Phyrexian Mana), and I'm not sure that's something I can replicate in my cube, weather I want to or not. I've noticed my blue section only has one 1 drop creature (which is probably excusable, if a little sad of a realization) and the majority of the two drop creatures aren't all that aggressive (except silvergil adept)
I'm brewing some custom cards to shift that slightly, but they aren't fully polished yet. Have any of you guys had success pushing tempo blue? How did you go about it?
Black control remains to be an enigma, but I've pinned down at least one idea: it's certainly more creature based than it's white or blue counterparts. Another damnnation (or Colorshifted Day of Judgement) might be necessary, but many factors are at work. I'm looking towards having it be a more creature based archetype than typical control builds, leaning more towards aggro control than pure control.
Aggro control is as well a hard archetype to quantify, typically being similar in makeup but different in execution than midrange decks. (Paulo once put it in an article: if a control deck is 60
demistifys, and an aggro deck is 60
shatters, a midrange deck is 30 of each, and an aggro control deck is 60
As well, when I get the chance I'm replacing my archetype based fixing section with the full set of
Horizon Canopy lands. It was rather funny, I was considering adding the painlands and adding basic land type erratta on to them (
Battlefield Forge being a mountain plains, for EG) but I realized that would make them painless anyways. There are ways to do that, but I'm happy with the level of fetchland to fetchable lands right now. A bit of scouring Deviantart and some templating later, and I'll have me some new fixing options

I actually drafted a black white tokens deck which had more white fetchlands than plains (Which was probably a mistake) this weekend. Interesting draft.
Play of the Night:
Spikeshot Goblin,
Reckless Charge, Equip
Grafted Wargear, Swing for 7, tap
city of brass (going down to 1) to deal the final 7.
In > Out = Notes
Gather the Townsfolk > Loyal Cathar = Tokens!
Kami of Ancient Law > War Priest of Thune = Proactive vs Rective
Condemn > Gideon Jura = Opressive
Stitched Drake > Fettergiest =Better Tempo card
Aetherling > Sphinx of Jwar Isle = Testing
Miscalculation > Moonlit Guide = Testing
Daze > Trickbind = Better Tempo card
Puppeteer Clique > Nezumi Graverobber = Pod!
Mikaeus the Unhallowed > Sorin Markov = The Podfather
Stronghold Assassin >The Unknowable = It's a zombie. Holy crap
Tattermunge Maniac > Jackel Pup = It got Searing Blazed

Furnace Celebration > Rakdos Shread Freak = Enabler
Torch Fiend > Hearth Kami = Seems odd playing something worse when I allow multiples
Awakening Zone > Berserk = Tokens!
Steel Hellkite > Wurmcoil Engine = Opressive
Adventuring Gear > Maze of Ith = Opressive
Worn Powerstone > Coalition Relic = Opressive
Bonehoard > Sword of War and Peace = Opressive
Prismatic Lens> Sword of Feast and Famine = Opressive
Tectoninc Edge > Thawing Glaciers = Too slow
Talisman of Progress > Azorious Signet = Re-Working Artifact mana
Talisman of Impulse > Dimir Signet = Re-Working Artifact mana
Talisman of Dominance > Orzhov Signet = Re-Working Artifact mana
Coldsteel Heart > Gruul Signet = Re-Working Artifact mana
Havengul Lich > Recoil = The Podfather, Part 2
Far // Away> Shadowmage Infiltrator = Testing