RG: Control Ramp/Power Matters aggro.
This kind of helps flesh out the RBG and RUG decks as well.
R/G Ramp

This is a deck that seeks to abuse several factors unique to the list, and is one of two focused big mana strategies that somewhat overlap. Though it can easily splash

, in order to abuse untap effects like
snap or frantic search, there are two different strategic focuses to run big mana, one rooted more in green, and the other in blue. Blue based strategies tend to be more about gushing mana, while green based strategies are more interested in sustained large scale mana production over the course of several turns, and are more midrangy. A

splash opens up another set of options to help mitigate the impact of top decked rampers. This is another bounceland based strategy.
Generally, the temptation to run at least some blue or black is going to be too strong, the key components of the deck include:

A mixture of really explosive untap creatures, that must be answered, or which will just take over the game, coupled with cantriping mana dorks that can act as expendable gain lives. The rangers are really solid role players in a lot of decks, but here they enable interactions where you get to untap your untap, and just go crazy. Rude awakening can serve as either a ramp effect or a kill condition. Tusker has a lot of misc. utility with graveyard and ramp strategies, as well as strategies interested in discarding land.
Here things can divert a bit, depending on if or what sweepers are run (if any).

Rolling thunder and
starstorm are very good for different reasons. Starstorm is very flexible due to the cycling, while rolling thunder can do obscene things, killing people out of nowhere, or acting as a one sided wrath. In addition, starstorm moves at instant speed, which really opens up some plays.
Lastly we have
Which is a bit less flexible, but serviceable sweeper. The main issue here is that its a straight board wipe, which runs against a strategy of building up ones board with untap creatures.
This isn't bad, however, if you're running black and have lots of cantriping creatures, this is a net gain. In addition, it can benefit a couple cards:

Its also worth noting the "death growth strategy." Basically, get out
Algae Gharial
Swarm of Bloodflies
And start directing red or black spot removal at the opposing team. Once you get these creatures past a certain threshold, a single sweeper can clear the way of any blockers, while suddenly growing these threats to giant proportions.
As an alternative, these decks can run the full sweeper assortment coupled with the disposable cantrip creatures, and ramp via bouncelands coupled with

Some of the deck's main engine pieces include

Stormbind is pretty absurd with bouncelands or land searchers already. Mina and Denn both power stormbind, while also supporting a more midrange based approach. Stormbind also provides a way to turn late game mana dork draws into a resource (as does
tortured existence if running black, or
frantic search/
compulsive research if blue).
Ramp targets include:

Another great mana dump is
spikeshot elder.
Draw selection includes

Like any ramp deck, killing the rampers is a good strategy, but there is so much strategic space to move around the deck, that this won't always be enough.
R/G Power Matters Aggro

This is an aggressive, aura based deck, that buffs creatures to either achieve evasion, or control the board. Major cards include:

Backed up by

This is basically what happens when you take the aggressive cards from red and green and combine them together. You get early pressure that transitions into a reach plan of evasive attacks or giant goblin hits. Spikeshot elder is sufficiently terrifying with a moldervine cloak.
Another source of reach is
In addition, you always have the option: