Ecstatic Orb
I don't dislike Hagon, though I don't particularly like him either. I'm starting to like Suthcliffe, and I love LSV's pun overload 
I can't remember the exact genesis of it, but somebody made hating him cool like a year or two ago. (let's be honest, it was probably CML)What about Hagon is making people feel these strong feelings?
Magic is on Vice today. Compares and contrasts the lifestyles of Pro Tour grinders and Vintage players.
"I'm not saying it is, mind you, because then some other company might sue us, but it might be!"I don't usually say this kind of thing, but damn guys, Thea Steele is a babe.
Also, "The game is just so polished, so well made, it might just be the best game ever made."
I don't usually say this kind of thing, but damn guys, Thea Steele is a babe.
Also, "The game is just so polished, so well made, it might just be the best game ever made."
I don't understand what you're trying to say CML, but on the face of it, it sounds like you're stooping extra low for this one.
Nonetheless, quite looking forward to your Shroom Tour Seattle/Portland/Etc report!
"An old acquaintance was there to support her boyfriend, a lugubrious and hairy argument against the “pro Magic” lifestyle. I sat down across from her and said hello; “I’ll talk to you later,” she replied, walking away in no particular direction …"
Isn't Go better than Chess?
The blood-vomiting game (Japanese: 吐血の一局, toketsu no ikkyoku) is a famous game of Go of the Edo period of Japan, played on June 27, 1835 between Honinbo Jowa (white) and Intetsu Akaboshi (black). It is noted for the three ghost moves that were allegedly given to Jowa during the game by ghosts, and for the premature death of the go prodigy Intetsu Akaboshi who died soon after coughing up blood onto the board after the game. Selected moves of the game are shown in diagrams.
The Game
i don't have the patience to seriously learn go and probably won't for decades so no
Wikipedia said:There is significant strategy involved in the game, and the number of possible games is vast (10761 compared, for example, to the 10120 possible in chess),[2] despite its relatively simple rules.