Free discard outlet that's best in aggro and a 1-mana artifact/creature sac removal card that's not ass?? Be still my glass-encased beating heart!
Real talk, I don't think either of these cards quite get there for me--there are only so many times you can either pay 3 or discard a card, and I still don't love permanent-based removal as I want enchantment/artifact removal to hit combo pieces, not act as weird removal counterspells sometimes. However, they're still better than anything we've seen in the past (excepting Chained to the Rocks in a Boros deck obv.), so I'll be keeping an eye on them in draft and will probably pick up copies for the on-deck
binder shoebox BCW 2000 ct. box (who am I kidding about the number of cards in that pile?).
Edit: just realized that you can re-equip the same creature infinitely with the flail to discard for free as many times as you'd like. If it only worked in aggro decks, that would be too narrow, but with this it's a great tool for anything discard. Never mind my complaints, this card is awesome.