General CBS

Jason Waddell

Staff member
If JW is me, then not exactly. I just have not a lot of room for Abzan cards. The big thing about Doran is that he neuters aggressive creatures far more than he pumps anything else. Cube is full of aggressive 3/2s and 2/1s and 4/1s that get way worse when Doran is on the field. Building around it is not really the way to go.


I was just joking: every once in a while we'll brainstorm a "defenders matters" theme or some such thing. It would be kind of funny to have that theme work out because twisted image is setting up a combo kill, but its hardly realistic.

Totally a deck.

More seriously, I have some brainstormed - err, gathered - lists of cards for defenders matter and toughness matters. Warning: crappy cards ahead. I didn't filter these cards by power level.

Toughness Payoff:

Walls payoff:

Toughness boost:

Non-Walls with high toughness:


My conclusion was that with multiple Assault Formations, the deck is doable, but you need to be very careful not to make it poisonous. Control decks will have a good amount of overlap, but not many cards are generically useful. Skinshifter, Veteran Armorer, Foul Renewal and Profaner of the Dead are some I'd definitely run for this theme (provided they were on color).

Talking about colors, white and green look like no-brainers. Adding black gets you the goodies from Abzan. Blue has a bunch of new cards at a good power level. All red has to offer is Vent Sentinel.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
RoboRosewater is on a roll lately



I wish they'd post more cards from the well trained neural nets and less stuff for lawls. I like working with the higher powered but fair designs, but don't really know where to get them outside of running my own net or trawling through roborosewaters lolcards
FINE I'll look up this stupid roborosewater.


hey, this is a pretty cool design that maybe just needs to cost a bit more mana. UG? Nice little stinger at the end to give you value when it dies.
How are cards that say Discard on them? Bad for cube the way walls are? They print Mind Rot in 4 out of every 3 sets so there must be a Discard.mwdeck out there?

I may be misconstrudeling this question, but if you're asking about a discard theme in cube, safra's made a great thread about it before. It's my opinion that the only bad discard for cube is probably Mind Twist and, potentially, Thoughtseize. There are a number of Thoughtseize perspectives.
A) Thoughtseize is awesome and powerful enough to see play in any deck; thus, it's worth including.
B) Thoughtseize is powerful enough that a T1 Thoughtseize can potentially win you the game for free, due to your opponent keeping a shaky 7/6.
In my experience, Thoughtseize performs the B scenario so often that I had to cut it. However, I still push a discard deck very gently, and have tried a few cards over the past few months. Feel free to peek at the thread (and perhaps my cube, but it's going under the knife right now) for some ideas on what black cards perform and what don't, but personally, I've really enjoyed Blackmail and Cabal Therapy. I'd love to grab up a Kozilek's Inquisition, but I'm cheap and don't want to spend that kind of money right now. Still, I expect to try to push my discard suite a notch, as it's really awesome when a deck has a few discard spells in it; just 1 is "nice", but when you hit 3, you really feel like it's a new axis of disruption, rather than just a 1-off "I hope this hits something lol" effect.
I agree that Thoughtseize was very oppressive for most of its time in Standard (Mono-black then Abzan). I'm just saying that clearly didn't stop Wizards from printing it, and we might see a worse card than Thoughtseize (IOK) printed too.