Card/Deck +1/+1 Counters

Chris Taylor

Yeah I'm not sure I like the "Sit on this forever then pop it for a one time benefit" cards like the shrines.
I initially had level up guys in the category with these cards, but the problem is that for a proliferate effect to be worth it, you either need to be ticking up multiple guys (As much as I'm sure UW in rise of the eldrazi was fine, I kinda don't want that kind of analysis paralysis for my drafters) or it has to be cheaper(ish) than the level up cost itself.

Like sure, I could volt charge to add a counter to my kargan dragonloard and swing
...or just pay a red...

Fading just kinda doesn't really work on it's own (Other than tangle wire which needs no help)

Wall of Roots is a fine card, but actively bad with proliferate :p
Skinrender is sweet, but I doubt I want 2. I'm also not totally convinced he'll actually be proliferated all that often...

Contagion and Smokestack are cards I don't want in my cube for other reasons (Good lord yeah black needed a pitch arc lightning -_-)

...and I've always found trike a bit weak. Maybe if he cost....4? I dunno
I've seen other people run him, why? Is being an artifact that huge a benefit? I'm sure meltyman will show up and be like "Well he combos with this and this and..." but the average case just seems so horrible. a 6 mana 4/4 was below the curve for the time, and magic has changed A LOT.
Triskelion does more if you run protection critters, and I still like him. I dislike your dislike of contagion :p
Haha :) I was being honest though, I do love Tanglewire. It always gets undervalued by newer players too, which I find interesting in a card. And unlike infect it's not poisonous, which is a huge boon! I get that losing to it because you are just locked out of the game can feel lame however, in the same way that losing to counterspells or land destruction can. Sometimes you just don't get to play a game of Magic, but at least the sequencing of what to tap when a wire hits the table is interesting.
When i was drafting with chris on thurs I passed a 13th pick tanglewire to Peter and he was like, This is the card that doesn't let your opponent do anything anymore right? And I was like... yes.

He gave me a big grin and slapped it down on the table. I was already in an aggressive UWR deck so I knew I needed my mana and spell velocity more than I needed effective counterspells.

I can't believed I 3-0'd this time, there were probably 3 wastelands in that draft too.
I was thinking unleash guys (cackler and assassin), undying evil which I've always liked, and then support dudes like maybe oona's blackguard.

Tie in with black is loose admittedly. But the only other place I could put it is in my Naya/Sultai module and I don't really want it there (Sultai is all about the graveyard and Naya is zoo/anthem/token focused).

EDIT: On second thought, Naya/Sultai is my green overlap module. So maybe this theme could be green focused and bleed into both combination? hmm….