Card/Deck +1/+1 Counters


Ecstatic Orb
Thrummingbird needs a lower power level and some explicit theme support, but Volt Charge and Tezz's Gambit both work at a high power level.

Oh sure, but the power level of my cube is not too high. Thrummingbird is repeatable as well. I've pulled of a pretty nasty lock once with Tanglewire into Thrummingbird into Phyrexian Metamorph (copying the Tanglewire of course). 1 at a time, 1 at a time :)
Thrummingbird needs a lower power level and some explicit theme support, but Volt Charge and Tezz's Gambit both work at a high power level.

I had been thinking this for a while since I LOVE Thrummingbird as a card but always found it a little lacking. When Conspiracy came out I thought about giving him a sticker that provided a Thrummingbird-only-Muzzio's Preparations, but then I thought that might be too good. Anyway, if he started and stayed as a 2/2 I think he would fit right in.


Ecstatic Orb
Tanglewire and poison are two of my favourite was to lose the game! Having them both together must be like fun overload!

I know, right?! :p Honestly, I love innocious looking badass cards like Tanglewire and Smokestack. They'll never wreck a whole draft (and by that I mean the games), but they sure can tear up a game or two. I'm totally fine with that!


Ecstatic Orb
Haha :) I was being honest though, I do love Tanglewire. It always gets undervalued by newer players too, which I find interesting in a card. And unlike infect it's not poisonous, which is a huge boon! I get that losing to it because you are just locked out of the game can feel lame however, in the same way that losing to counterspells or land destruction can. Sometimes you just don't get to play a game of Magic, but at least the sequencing of what to tap when a wire hits the table is interesting.


I had been thinking this for a while since I LOVE Thrummingbird as a card but always found it a little lacking. When Conspiracy came out I thought about giving him a sticker that provided a Thrummingbird-only-Muzzio's Preparations, but then I thought that might be too good. Anyway, if he started and stayed as a 2/2 I think he would fit right in.
As someone who runs both Thrummingbird and Carnivorous Death-Parrot, both of which see reasonable amounts of play in their particular niches, a combo of the two would be too powerful for me, but perhaps appropriate in a high power environment as one of those cards that is good by itself, but crazy good with synergy.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Cards like Tangle Wire and Armageddon are interesting in that they sometimes produce really great memorable games, and sometimes are really really stupid.
Haha :) I was being honest though, I do love Tanglewire. It always gets undervalued by newer players too, which I find interesting in a card. And unlike infect it's not poisonous, which is a huge boon! I get that losing to it because you are just locked out of the game can feel lame however, in the same way that losing to counterspells or land destruction can. Sometimes you just don't get to play a game of Magic, but at least the sequencing of what to tap when a wire hits the table is interesting.

Like, I've certainly had fun playing it in extended and cube and like beating it in cube, but I find that card kinda problematic, especially if you have a lot of ways to keep her rolling. Is there a lot of counterplay available?


Ecstatic Orb
Like, I've certainly had fun playing it in extended and cube and like beating it in cube, but I find that card kinda problematic, especially if you have a lot of ways to keep her rolling. Is there a lot of counterplay available?
Sure! Aggro, artifact removal, instants and flash. There's also not that many ways to keep it rolling, it just happened to come together perfectly for once that time :) the only other ways to keep it running are Brago, the Tamiyo emblem and Contagion Clasp. Two of those are more expensive than the wire, and blue is usually not the color that can take advantage of the soft lock.

Edit: Oh, and Flickerwisp I suppose.


I love fathom mage. That card with hardened scales is going to be hilarious. Its pretty hard to get me to give a shit about a low impact 4-drop, but fathom mage manages it.

While Khabal Ghoul is on theme, he is slow compared to his comparables. I like Mortician Beetle and Nighthowler as a card sort of in that niche. He isn't useless, but getting the counters at the end of the turn eliminates the fun of pumping him up mid turn as a "combat trick".
Hmm, fair point. I wonder if there's some space to make Khabul Ghoul similar-to-but-different-from Mortician Beetle by customizing it. Khabul Ghoul has hexproof when not attacking or blocking? That's probably far too good for a one-drop though.
Is Khabal Ghoul good if I play it at B? (The way god and my eyes intended lol)

Holy crap. I have a copy, I've looked at it half a dozen times, and I only now saw that it was 2B. I was definitely suggesting playing it at B.

At B, it seems roughly comparable to Mortician Beetle. Triggers more often, but you can't do neat tricks with it.

Chris Taylor

Holy crap. I have a copy, I've looked at it half a dozen times, and I only now saw that it was 2B. I was definitely suggesting playing it at B.

At B, it seems roughly comparable to Mortician Beetle. Triggers more often, but you can't do neat tricks with it.

Mortician Beetle can also trigger multiple times per turn. I've got him in, but if he needs buffing I'll swap in a B can't block Kabal Ghoul I think