Card/Deck +1/+1 Counters

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Any first hand experiences with these guys?

I have enough guys with counters but I could use a few more things to make the counters matter.

Chris Taylor

Any first hand experiences with these guys?

I have enough guys with counters but I could use a few more things to make the counters matter.

I wouldn't really. Trample doesn't even seem worth it, and I'm not sure I'd run hellrider as a grey ogre without haste, and rage forger is well below that bar!

One card I have been having success with:


I sharpied my rage forger to be tribe agnostic (he puts a +1/+1 counter on another creature you control instead of each other shaman). The card pretty good. Three mana is so much less then four, its not even funny.

I just shoved in the paragon, I'm pretty sure its going to be useless.

Chris Taylor

Honestly I want more cards like volt charge. I love that card is something you want to be doing in basically every deck, but the synergy of adding a few counters goes from cool to devestating.

Maybe a boomerang with proliferate? Or a doom blade? I can't really think of a green or white card that you would want in EVERY deck, nothing really gets the milage volt charge does



well it's completely unplayable in a leisurely format with a small +1/+1 counter theme and durdly board states so it would probably be a great fit in the etherium astrolabe

onderzeeboot post is classic because every time someone read that card in RGD drafts they would marvel at its not being an instant. you know, like Seance or whatever


Ecstatic Orb
onderzeeboot post is classic because every time someone read that card in RGD drafts they would marvel at its not being an instant. you know, like Seance or whatever

I think I actually misplayed this at the prerelease, assuming this kind of trick must be an instant :)

Chris Taylor


I wonder if this card would be broken at U

Chris Taylor

Make it a Sorcery and it is probably fine.

Oh yeah it is an instant.

Okay, so I'm thinking between:
That's a decent base of proliferate cards.
My conception of this deck has kinda always been
-Red/green dudes who naturally have counters
-As many Ajani's as you can get your hands on
-Volt Charge
If we branch out the proliferate from that single spell, I can probably break away from this being just an aggro theme.
Anyone have any cards that aren't necessarily for beating down that work well with proliferate? (Yes literally any walker works well)
I've got these:

Problem is that a few don't really need any help (Midnight Banshee, Incremental Blight), and Serrated Arrows is kinda slow :(
I probably want a better Serum Tank