Sets Battle for Zendikar Spoilers


100% agree on the ophiomancer hate. I was super excited to run it when I saw it. The first week I played games where I was on both the giving and receiving end of the snake. Both felt shitty. The card is an instant board stall.

re: Phyrexian Arena I swapped mine out for a second Dark Confidant months ago and haven't looked back (the rationale was more interaction = better).

Agree with CML that Geralf's Messenger is probably worth having in the conversation. I'd cut him because of the castability issues (which CT mentioned I think?), but I'm looking to put him back soon with this Good Mana experiment I'm running. I'd also switched from Team Gravecrawler to Team 2Shieldz, but I'm planning on going back to Zombieland because Gravecrawler plays more nicely with aforementioned silly Dashvine shit.

It might just be personal preference but I've seen so, so many sweet fleshbag plays that I just can't ever cut him. Nighthawk, OTOH, feels just generically good and as a result boring. This is where I really think it's a preference thing though; I look at it and say "Generic and boring" and others are looking at it and saying "solid multipurpose role player".

When Flip lili came out I cut Nighthawk for her and while I no longer think the two are equivalent (they're nowhere close to filling the same role), I've really not missed nighthawk at all. I'm completely fine with black having to look elsewhere for lifegain.
In my experience flip lily is great in decks that don't needed help (riptide style grave aggro) and really mediocre in decks that do (defensive late game black strategies) where nighthawk is good in both decks while providing a lot more to the second variety.

I look forward to playing ob and nighthawk in the same messy 3 Colour control deck. You can't get every deck in your cube to have to lean heavily on niche creatures with heavy synergies like grave crawlers late game synergy and value decks need seriously solid support to get their stupid 4 Colour unburial fun working smoothly.


Yeah, Nighthawk fills a very important niche for me. Designs like this can be seen as boring, but I find it to be an elegant solution to an interesting problem. Allowing reactive black decks to have a defensive card that double as a threat is genius. The fact that its just a keyword salad doesn't bother me.
At long last, the return of the only foil rare I've ever opened from a pack:


Ecstatic Orb
That is actually a pretty interesting Time Walk variant.

Edit: After reading the MTGS, clearly I have to revise my opinion of this card. It's such a lazy design1!!!one[1!! Just tack on 1 mana to every iconic effect and season it with the keyword-du-jour, won't you? Sheesh. If this is supposed to make me want to buy this set you're doing it wrong WotC! What a waste of cardboard. I used to play this game, but now I'm just hanging around Magic forums to whine about how everything was better in the old days, and how Wizards has sold its soul and churns out bland dreck like, well, basically any set since Lorwyn block. Poopie poop stinking card! Boo! Hiss!
Ugh I totally lost this post to auto reloading regarding your post about black 3's

i feel like i remember 2ish years ago everyone here was saying that black 3s are awful

Honestly there are still a tonne of cubes where most of the cards weve listed are super mediocre.
The sick WB aggro deck I played recently was totally over run by monoliths, relics, tinker, mind twist and removal that was not so clunky that grey mana was a problem.

Honestly it's such a different conversation and I wish we had better signifiers to continue conversations about cube without compete alienation.
guys i understand that they dont want you to loop it, i understand basic things sometimes maybe
but why is it remotely an issue at all in any format

there is no pyromancer ascension

those other cards are different
temporal trespass potentially costs 3 not 6
temporal mastery, again, costs potentially 2
ugin's nexus is a permanent which is much much easier to abuse
these were all unplayable afaik but that's difficult to predict with something so potentially unusable

afaik time warp has never been a even a remotely broken card? it was good in very specific situations like that deck you mentioned or that tier 3 savor the moment + garruk wildspeaker deck from way back in the day
Jace, Telepath Unbound would basically guarantee you being able to cast it twice if he's already on-field. So while sure, you aren't infinite looping it, they probably just decided flashbacks/recurs with time warp are better than they want anything in standard.
No one has posted this yet, but the new blighted lands look interesting. I have my eye on the green one (taps for colorless and tap,3G,sacrifice: search for two basics put into play tapped). As it doesn't ETB tapped, I think it is better than previous offerings. It also has appeal in both ramp, control and landfall decks (it's effectively 3 landfall triggers for 5 mana - which can be used the turn this land comes down so perfect for alpha strikes).

As most do ULD, this feels like an auto include to me. I'm even going to try it in my main cube (though I run more non-basics than most).