Then you’re not one of those people that this suits “If you feel like it is an issue that green is the best color to do splashes from”I personally think it takes away one of green's strengths to give other colors too much splash potential.
Debating if the enchantment deck is worth the effort.
Could you please elaborate this further? I am really interested in your experience. Is it too parasitic an archetype?in my experience, no.
It's like the artifact archetype in some ways, but enchantments are another step down in generic usefulness. They don't have the benefit of largely being colorless, and there aren't easy includes like mana rocks and baubles in nearly as high a quantity as artifacts. Additionally a lot of the enablers are set up around casting enchantments and/or enchantments ETBing, which puts you into an A then B archetype, which is harder to make work in general. Artifacts have plenty of enablers that sacrifice artifacts, recur artifacts, count artifacts, etc. that make the decks more multifunctional.Could you please elaborate this further? I am really interested in your experience. Is it too parasitic an archetype?
Could you please elaborate this further? I am really interested in your experience. Is it too parasitic an archetype?
Delirium is one of the best enchantment-tangential mechanics IMO, because it's asking the player to find creative ways to get card types in the Grave, and enchantments are a unique addition to most graveyards. So the most luck I've had with adding enchantments for a specific purpose is when pushing delirium, and it was cards like vessel of nascency.
As I'm looking at it, I began to worry about that.what you’ll also find generally is that you put in a bunch of work to make the enchantment archetype work, and then you play it, and it’s not a very fun deck to play
I had already decided that I'll keep a bit higher enchantment density for this, even if it doesn't work out as a full deck.Delirium
And after that it‘s ‚Dune down the Power‘. That expansion will be spicy and sandworm its way into our dark hearts of the wood.All the upcoming set are officially cancelled unless Hello Kamigawa has good Shrines in it.
The next set is now Theros Way Beyond Death featuring the Enchantmentcraft keyword and more black devotion. Devotion has been mysteriously removed from nonblack colors.
After that will be Game of Thrones of Eldraine featuring more cards that care about artifacts and/or enchantments, primarily in WB.
Thank you for your understanding.