General CBS

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Sol Ring is a stupid card that I might not even include in a Vintage cube. It ramps, whereas Moxen mostly just burst, if there's a difference to be appreciated.

Chris Taylor

Back when I managed a power cube we did actually do some cuts on power level, and the first card to go was recall, after we saw someone in RWB aggro take it P3P1, splash it, and win. (0 fetchlands in deck)
We figured that was too strong a signal, so we took it out, only to find
Pause for effect...
That we had proxied it on a Giant Growth
How's that for irony? :p

Mind you the second card to go on power level was grave titan, so maybe there's less to be learned from this story than I'd thought

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I kind of wonder if the best way to play a powered cube is to do a Rotisserie draft. That way, people theoretically have equal access to power, rather than randomly being gifted a Library p1p1 and then a Recall p3p1, and blindly stumbling to victory.

Chris Taylor

Yeah, but then you need to only draft the cube Rotisserie, which takes forever

Fuck I have enough trouble convincing people to cube at all.
"We only have 3 hours, can we even get it done?"


moxen as mana rocks that tap for one are like signets, viz. they don't ramp, they burst -- but yeah, sol ring is about twice as good, easily the most powerful card in MTG history

i drafted a friend's power cube last night and, though my games were great fun, it amused me to see the Canadian anger easily at the cruelties of Black Lotus. personally I find Maze of Ith and Balance to be the most tilting, but it seems to me that, like sports fandom is based more on seeing your friends' teams lose than your team win, the scant joys of power cube are based more on beating those hated, hated cards than they are on playing them.

CT: mccall is a giant dbag with a loathsome writing style but an article entitled "vintage rotisserie draft" is worth a read

Dom Harvey

More test game shenanigans:

It's Jund vs. Mono-White Devotion. Jund played Primeval Titan fetching Kessig Wolf Run, MWD copied it with Metamorph and used Restoration Angel to flicker it midcombat, getting Windbrisk Heights, Wasteland, Nykthos. MWD untaps, Dismembers a blocker, attacks with his army to kill Garruk Wildspeaker, and Heights brings in a Leonin Relic-Warder to kill Whip of Erebos. Fulminator Mage had killed the tapped Wasteland, but Sun Titan had brought it back. MWD looks to have a commanding position. But wait! Jund draws Pernicious Deed and kills everything except MWD's Heliod.

MWD draws... Karmic Guide, which returns Sun Titan, who brings back Wasteland. Flickerwisp slides out Karmic Guide, which returns Metamorph-as-Guide and then Restoration Angel on Sun Titan, bringing back Porcelain Legionnaire.

Dom Harvey

One of my favourite parts about going deep on devotion is that Pernicious Deed is fantastic again. I'd found the card was heavily underperforming, which was a real shame.


i really want to just congregation at dawn for 3 gravecrawlers then dredge 'em with loam

Jason Waddell

Staff member
So the hinges of my headphones are kind of fucked up, which is fine when sitting down but can cause some pain when moving around doing dishes or cleaning or whatever. So I put up the hood of my hoodie, and then while doing dishes caught my reflection in the window. "I look like a really awful hiphop version of Jace."


Jason Waddell

Staff member
James Stevenson will be arriving in Antwerp in a couple hours for a two day stay. I've got two 8-mans queued up for him while he's here, but I haven't touched my cube in a few months so I need to go through and do a full inventory. Blerg.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
This'll be the third time I've taken in an internet stranger. The others were from MLG/Starcraft/Penny-Arcade related connections, and this is my first Magic traveller.