General CBS

Depends a bit on how easily you can expect to bin threats and how powerful the threats are at 4-5 mana. If I have 10 Entombs and Big Gris in my deck, I'm going to want to be sure I can get him back on turn 5 every time. If I have 3 "2U draw 3, discard 2" and a couple reasonable 7 drops to reclaim, the number's a lot lower. In more common scenarios, I think japahn is on the right track.
One of the big things I like about the storage duals is that you can use the counters on them to fix your other lands' mana if necessary. I'll probably still look at the monocolored ones, though.
topic of reanimator: one beacon of unrest, X tutors that can fetch sorceries. (not really but I dream)

I think it depends on how powerful the actual reanimator cards are, animate dead or recurring nightmare is going to be a lot more appealing to "not the reanimator deck" seats than say, rise again. I like to have around 3 to 5 effects if I'm a dedicated reanimation deck so I'd probably want to see about 4-7 effects in the cube, closer to 7 if they're mostly of the generally appealing type, closer to 4 if they're bad enough that they'll likely table in packs 2 and 3. (is this ironic? I'm not sure.)

On the other hand, There's a lot of appeal in cards like gravecrawler which play out of the graveyard without additional investment, and they don't do weird things with your top-end, animate dead makes stuff like Gishath, Sun's Avatar suddenly way less 'quirky timmy bait' and way more 'well I guess I'm all-in on the mulligan for entomb plan' which is fine if that's intentional, but definitely *not fine* if the rest of the environment isn't playing at a similar pace of play. (put another way: maybe the reanimator deck that feels best in a particular cube is the one with a density of self-recursive effects, rather than hard targeted reanimation.)

Chris Taylor

That would be greatly appreciated.

Initial Draft:
001 - Boros Storehouse.jpg002 - Golgari Storehouse.jpg003 - Izzet Storehouse.jpg004 - Orzhov Storehouse.jpg005 - Simic Storehouse.jpg
I know you only wanted enemy ones but this would work better as a full 10 card cycle. If you're married to using the existing ones, I can come up with actual land names for these
Edit: Right I need to actually check if it's "Add {R} or {W}" or "Add {W} or {R}"
I'm not too married to them having cool names. If necessary I could find a computer that can run MSE and change the names myself, right?

Chris Taylor

I'm not too married to them having cool names. If necessary I could find a computer that can run MSE and change the names myself, right?

Absolutly, or there's the Artificer app if you prefer mobile.

MSE is old software, but not old enough that I'd have to DOSBox it or anything, it installs fine on windows 10.
If you do, just make sure it's installed somewhere OTHER than your program files (the default) because windows 10 has more restrictive permissions, which blocks MSE from running.
If you just put the whole install folder on your desktop it works fine.


Ecstatic Orb
Initial Draft:
View attachment 3595View attachment 3596View attachment 3597View attachment 3598View attachment 3599
I know you only wanted enemy ones but this would work better as a full 10 card cycle. If you're married to using the existing ones, I can come up with actual land names for these
Edit: Right I need to actually check if it's "Add {R} or {W}" or "Add {W} or {R}"

It's the first, see e.g.

So, the og storage lands (yes, I'm ignoring the Fallen Empires and Mercadian Masques cycles, they're not real) are called Calciform Pools, Dreadship Reef, Molten Slagheap, Fungal Reaches, and Saltcrusted Steppe. This suggests we're looking for two word land names. They're set on Dominaria, but the names are all kinds of generic. All of them sort of evoke a feeling of accumulation though, so that's another thing we could try to adhere to. Here's some suggestions for names and art.

{W/B} Ramshackle Storehouse -
{U/R} Snowswept Chasm - or
{U/R} Icecap Bluff -
{B/G} Blooming Backwater -
{B/G} Rootknot Bog -
{B/G} Underground Oasis -
{R/W} Boulder Plains, Dust Barrens; can't really find art I like for R/W, maybe
{R/W} Swirling Fields -
{R/W} Hillside Meadow -
{G/U} Floodwater Forest - or
{G/U} Timberland Basin -

Also, damn, I just realized WotC stole my Alpine Meadow name for one of their snow duals! Now I've got to come up with a different name for my custom :(
I think I'd like them with cool names? Hmm...

Fertile Scree - RW
Chapel Vault - WB
Verdant Bog - BG
Primordial Marsh - GU
Standing Storm - UR

EDIT: Actually, no, listen to Onderzeeboot. Those are way better ideas.


Ecstatic Orb
I think I'd like them with cool names? Hmm...

Fertile Scree - RW
Chapel Vault - WB
Verdant Bog - BG
Primordial Marsh - GU
Standing Storm - UR

EDIT: Actually, no, listen to Onderzeeboot. Those are way better ideas.
What's your favorite for each color pair? (I realize I didn't give you many options for BW, but I kinda liked the one I found, so I didn't search any further ;) Though, I guess the name could be Derelict Storehouse as an alternative!)


Ecstatic Orb
I know you only wanted enemy ones but this would work better as a full 10 card cycle. If you're married to using the existing ones, I can come up with actual land names for these
Edit: Right I need to actually check if it's "Add {R} or {W}" or "Add {W} or {R}"
You've already got the initial drafts, can I leave the rest to you? Otherwise we're both creating MSE cards and doing double work :)

Edit: Nice, we posted at nearly the same moment :D

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Do you guys run any cards with the Revolt Keyword? Is it nutty? Seems like a fun Morbid variant that works on Fetchlands.

Budget Goyf?


Ecstatic Orb
I run Fatal Push and Hidden Stockpile. The first one is really solid removal, the second one is a really fun build around. When I still supported {G/W} I also cubed Renegade Rallier, which is also really neat. It can even get back that fetchland you just sacced! I tested Vengeful Rebel, which proved to be a bit harder to properly use, but it's good in aristocrat decks. Narnam Renegade also is a solid enough one drop, in a fetchland heavy environment it's basically a better Kird Ape. Lastly, Solemn Recruit is an excellent card. I cut it because I tried to support humans, but I've since abandoned that tribe, so maybe I should make room for her again!

As for your suggestion, Greenwheel Liberator has been a bit underwhelming, because all it brings to the table is stats in a color that has more reliable ways to put big two drops into play. Green also isn't a good fit for aristocrats, so often it just sat in the hand as a very underwhelming 2/1, whereas it's perfectly fine to run out the Renegade as a 1/2 deathtouch, since it will still trade with an opponent's creature.

Edit: Oh, one other excellent card I forgot to mention is Countless Gears Renegade, I've really enjoyed the card when I had it in my cube. It's both more at home in its color's typical archetypes, two bodies often are more relevant than the additional power, and white is a more logical pairing for the aristocrats colors than green, since it's naturally adept at flooding the board with fodder. Man, I should really find a way to reinclude that card, it was gas!
Looks like Onder and I both came up on the featured queue for CubeCobra at the same time:


Neat :D