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way shape form
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good bad ugly
I like Tome of Legends, but I think adding the scry is probably a bit too muchWho knows though, you're at a slightly higher power level than me. Maybe I should actually proxy that design up and test it a bit, as I do like it the design as a way to get some much needed white card advantage!
Leorian looks like a handful. It predict both slow play and memory issues, as you need to search your deck and hand for a bunch of cards, revealing cards from both while making sure your hand and library don't accidentally get mixed up, then write down all the keywords, because if there's more than one even, there's a good chance you'll forget which keywords are on there, and after all of that you still have to shuffle your deck.
Well, as a player, I would want to make sure my opponent wrote down the correct keywords, meaning they had to search all of their zones, reveal any legendaries, and keep the zones apart anyway. I don't think writing down the keywords beforehand is going to help all that much in terms of how fast your design plays. I feel this type of card works way better in an online only environment, where the software can handle memory issues by simply putting the keywords (temporarily) on the card, and where you can assume the software didn't miss anything. I think you have to ask yourself whether the potential memory and slow play issues are worth the reward.
Maybe a good thought exercise is to think what "combo's" you expect people to assemble and evaluate accordingly. Looking at my own cube, you could draft Leorian together with Thalia, Guardian of Thraben, Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle and... Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim, putting Leorian at a 3/3 flying, first strike, deathtouch for. I mean, that's good, but you're also required to play three colors now, and this is about the best you can do, meaning your average use case will be much worse, because those cards might not even be in the draft, and if they are, they might still not reach you. Like, a lot has to go right for this to actually amount to something cool, and all of those cool thing require you to play at least three colors. To make the average use case better, you will likely have to warp your cube to include a bunch of legendary creatures with different keywords in
, a lot of which are not going to be your usual optimal pick for the legendary sub theme you want to run. Isamaru, Hound of Konda, for example, is great for the historic sub theme in white in my cube, great for the legendary theme you want to run, and still a great aggressive white drop in general if you're ignoring those themes, but it has exactly zero useful interaction with Leorian.
You obviously designed Leorian to strengthen the legendary theme, but it kinda fails that purpose because of the design restraints it puts on yoursection, specifically which other legendary creatures you can run. On top of that I expect the card to have some play issues. I honestly don't want to rain on your parade, but I think Leorian is not the design you are looking for.
These two go into the Selesnya Legendary deck.
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Tome of Legends first came to be here: