my friend who lives in new york told me about it, i often frantically google "libertarianism" but as you may have guessed i never find anything interesting
Never read anything on Lesswrong except for Yudkowski. He has some decent introductory pieces on biases and Bayes. Ironically, I'm biased in that regard since that's pretty much what I studied during my masters.

edit: Oh wow, didn't realize it was a community. Auch. I was talking about stuff like this:

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Whoa, Eric, you post here????


Dom Harvey

During the chatcast someone said they'd email me some poker ebooks, but I didn't get anything. If any of you can send me something I'd love it. PM me for email address. Am I openly encouraging piracy? I guess so. MODS!

Now that I have non-shitty internet again I've got round to doing this. Anyone else who wants them, PM me.
Okay I feel like I shouldn't monopolize our custom cards thing but I'm like bursting with bad ideas almost constantly and I have very little interest in interacting with mtgs custom card forum anymore.

What can I say? I need your help, I'm at an impasse.
Okay I feel like I shouldn't monopolize our custom cards thing but I'm like bursting with bad ideas almost constantly and I have very little interest in interacting with mtgs custom card forum anymore.

What can I say? I need your help, I'm at an impasse.

Used to be a mod at the MTG Set Editor forums.

EDit: this actually just meant: where is our custom card thread ?
Do you think I should post there Hannes? I just don't like the printable / unprintable / gotta get some criticism in atmosphere in salvation.
I think it's in cube talk.
Do you think I should post there Hannes? I just don't like the printable / unprintable / gotta get some criticism in atmosphere in salvation.
I think it's in cube talk.

It's pretty okay, but they are really looking to push creativity, Actual full set-design and all that at an acceptable powerlevel

EDIT: it kinda goes down the shithole every now and then couse then new sign-ups are 14yr odls

Chris Taylor
