Sets [KLD] Kaladesh Spoilers Thread

Also something that produces and sacrifices Thopters, like Pentavus. My UR decks always seem to have a lot of thopters lying around.
I would be so, so happy to see a new and improved Pentavus.


Weird. Is there any way to break the symmetry on this?
Running tax effects (Thalia, Guardian of Thraben, etc.) along with discard outlets would be pretty great I imagine. A bit narrow to pull off in cube, though.

EDIT: Superb with Welder. Weld Orrery in eot when you're hellbent, draw three cards, play two lands, weld it back out again.

I don't see anyone tripping over themselves to run these effects. Is this that much of an upgrade?
Well, it's 50% better, just by the numbers. And in terms of curves, 3 damage is much more critical of a toughness than 2 is.

So I'd say definitely yes, it's a nice upgrade. This is the sort of conditional removal I love.
That would have been worthy of a holy crap indeed! It's still a decent spell, but it's no Murder. Life gain is very nice in black though, plus crap removal is sometimes more fun than optimal answers :)
I couldve sworn we just had a thread going about this... :p

I like this better than Murder. Not for efficiency, but for for the conditionality and the incidental lifegain. I'm very tempted to replace my Nameless Inversion with this, but 2 is a lot less than 3 for mana cost

Chris Taylor

I was on double downfall for a while. This miiiiiiight have replaced the second one?
I figure black can survive having one toughness limited removal spell since everything else is target restricted in different ways
Is this the "Format defining crap removal" thread? Black already has so much better removal, including several better toughness-based options. I'd go as far down as Tomb Hex before I played Essence Extraction. I could sort of see it if it had the flexibility of going face, but that's not a thing black gets.


Ecstatic Orb
Is this the "Format defining crap removal" thread? Black already has so much better removal, including several better toughness-based options. I'd go as far down as Tomb Hex before I played Essence Extraction. I could sort of see it if it had the flexibility of going face, but that's not a thing black gets.

This is one of the most efficient option available that gains you a relevant amount of life, that has to count for something! It probably plays much better than you think.

Chris Taylor

Is this the "Format defining crap removal" thread? Black already has so much better removal, including several better toughness-based options. I'd go as far down as Tomb Hex before I played Essence Extraction. I could sort of see it if it had the flexibility of going face, but that's not a thing black gets.

Certainly not. Lifegain is really good


Cataclysmic Gearhulk
Artifact Creature - Construct

"When Cataclysmic Gearhulk enters the battlefield, each player chooses from among the non-land permanents he or she controls an artifact, a creature, an enchantment, and a planeswalker, then sacrifices the rest."

That is a beefy ass 5 drop with a really nice ETB I loved, but kinda hated that it was also geddon. It's also go the "Hey dickhead" synergy where you can pick it as an artifact, so you'll probably end up with 2 creatures while they get one.

Fair, but more fair for you. Very white! :D

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Certainly not. Lifegain is really good


Cataclysmic Gearhulk
Artifact Creature - Construct

"When Cataclysmic Gearhulk enters the battlefield, each player chooses from among the non-land permanents he or she controls an artifact, a creature, an enchantment, and a planeswalker, then sacrifices the rest."

That is a beefy ass 5 drop with a really nice ETB I loved, but kinda hated that it was also geddon. It's also go the "Hey dickhead" synergy where you can pick it as an artifact, so you'll probably end up with 2 creatures while they get one.

Fair, but more fair for you. Very white! :D

Oh MAN. Cataclysm was already good with Birthing Pod... This is amazing with pod!


The thing people don't realize, about the Gearhulk, is that it was was never really about the gears at all.


The gears were simply a means to a cataclysmic end...

(Vigilance, When ETB, each player chooses a creature, artifact, enchantment and planeswalker of the non-land permanents they control, then sacrifices the rest.)

Seems that Tragic Arrogance just wasn't cutting it. It needed a 4/5 body too.
Can we appreciate that in spanish, you get to call these "mecatitans"? That's a bad ass name!

Cataclysmic Gearhulk seems like a sweet card. I'll probably swap it in for Sunblast Angel. The Tragic Arrogance effect seems much cooler than the sometime-plague-wind effect

EDIT: also,

This card seems great. Lots of cubes have artifacts as a sort of durdly theme, this presents artifacts as a more aggressive plan. It's a pretty sweet lord for any deck with artifact creatures and even has a little built-in synergy with itself. Plus the art is sick and now I get to hope for Kiran Nalaar in future spoilers.

This card seems great. Lots of cubes have artifacts as a sort of durdly theme, this presents artifacts as a more aggressive plan. It's a pretty sweet lord for any deck with artifact creatures and even has a little built-in synergy with itself. Plus the art is sick and now I get to hope for Kiran Nalaar in future spoilers.

She's holding Kiran's goggles in her left hand, so... I doubt we'll be seeing Chandra's dad. At least, not alive.
I was on double downfall for a while. This miiiiiiight have replaced the second one?
I figure black can survive having one toughness limited removal spell since everything else is target restricted in different ways

Black has plenty of toughness limited removal.

It's just, if I'm spending 1BB on a removal spell, I expect to kill something big. Maybe the lifegain makes it worth it, but I'm skeptical.
This card seems great. Lots of cubes have artifacts as a sort of durdly theme, this presents artifacts as a more aggressive plan. It's a pretty sweet lord for any deck with artifact creatures and even has a little built-in synergy with itself. Plus the art is sick and now I get to hope for Kiran Nalaar in future spoilers.

I really like that card. Also, noticed that they've introduced the wording "create" instead of "put into play"?