Looking for cycles of cards that are highly similar to one another, for example:

Everyone one in this cycle is 6/6 for 6, one keyword, {cost}: effect, {same cost}+exile: same effect. They read very easily if you're familiar with the others. Is there a name for this kind of design?
The -vores like
Magnivore kind of remind me of this cycle because you are able to scan the card for what kind of card to count in your graveyard once you're familiar.
I'd view it differently than a cycle such as the Cavaliers

These all cost 2MMM and sort of all have a keyword and some various ETB and some various death trigger, but it's a bit random what the effects are.
From the cycles I can recall, none of them feel as interconnected as the Souls.
Edit: I suppose the Titans pull it off. I kind of discredited them for having such variations in power level, but they're all 4MM, keyword, enters/attacks: effect.