I mean, the thing I'm looking at it for are pumping out a pontiff of blight early, casting gary for 3 and general value. It also enables early phenax, bitblast, mogis, doomgape, and nath on colour, and I'm running blazing specter, hyppie, liliana and phyrexian arena that could be dangerous turn one/two blowouts. There's also some x spells, some big costs in green (that it would short circuit ramping to), some kickers (heyo, ritual into more replication tokens than you know what to do with), although I guess really that all falls into value.
gray merchant is pretty broken when you play it t3 instead of spending 2 turns playing permanents that might have black mana symbols, really it's almost as next-level as the empty-board evoked shriekmaw and only slightly less decisive than the sphinx's for 8 with 7 cards left in library. even more busted than that, however, is "powering out" a t4 pontiff of blight, which will let you untap on t5, wish you had another dark ritual to play stacked extorts, shrug your shoulders, and beat for 2. #curtains