I'd forgotten how good Shatter effects are in large, singleton powermax cubes. I was poking fun at the designer for including the Rakdos Charm that I got fifteenth pick.. and then before I knew it, I was sideboarding it in every game.
I've cut out all the obnoxious artifacts from my list, so that I don't have to run Smash to Smithereens and Viridian Shaman. But I guess I gotta keep my eye out on obnoxious enchantments, now.
Paging FSR.
I remember this being pretty stellar in Kamigawa limited. Is this cubable if you run a small enchantment theme?
It seems too mana intensive, but mana bloom kinda sucks anyway so maybe I'll try it.Paging FSR.
In my cube you actually can. I'll see if I can force draft an Esper replenish-style deck this weekend.I really just want to go:
I've cut out all the obnoxious artifacts from my list, so that I don't have to run Smash to Smithereens and Viridian Shaman. But I guess I gotta keep my eye out on obnoxious enchantments, now.
I also prefer the other RR drops I think. Like the RTR Hasty First-Striker, or, um, Kargan Dragonlord? But to be honest I've never played with this dude. I don't think I currently run any CC beaters aside from Bloodghast and Strangleroot Geist.
Referring to Pyrostatic Pillar here, by the way, which is pretty much unplayable unless you support storm for up to 6 drafters. I think the Eidolon is probably better dan Ash Zealot, and much better than Kargan Dragonlord (though that card is awesome in a "build your own dragon" way).This being a beater makes all the difference!
Kargan Dragonlord was always WAY too slow for me, but I've been on an echo hating binge for a while now. I also cut student of warfare and he preformed pretty well.
I think where these guys are good is when you are facing a control deck and you want to force their hand. Control wants you playing more dudes so they can 2 for 1 you. But the level up dudes force them to go 1 for 1 and that is why they are good IMO. Student in particular is just annoying like that. You can just drop this guy and keep sinking mana into it and the control guy HAS to get rid of it or he loses. As the control guy, having a wrath in hand but facing down a 3/3 first striker that can only get bigger is problematic if you didn't draw any targeted removal (or you burned it already on his Mother, etc.).
My cube is slower than most around here, but mana sink cards are strong I think because they give you ways to build board presence without over extending. Very valuable in a lot of match-ups IMO. Maybe I just hate walking into a 2 for 1 or 3 for 1 situation which is all too common when you play hard aggro and just toss your entire hand on the table in 3 turns.
Uh, they're not super related but I think something like Gattock Teeg has a much bigger board impact.
I also prefer the other RR drops I think. Like the RTR Hasty First-Striker, or, um, Kargan Dragonlord? But to be honest I've never played with this dude. I don't think I currently run any CC beaters aside from Bloodghast and Strangleroot Geist.
Arc Trail is basically my favorite red card because aggro and control love it, but sometimes 2 just isn't enough.
I've been taking another look at Arc Trail (/Flames of the Firebrand) as 'kill your guy, trigger heroic'
That reeks of good design.
I remember this being pretty stellar in Kamigawa limited. Is this cubable if you run a small enchantment theme?