Ecstatic Orb
It's a nice disruptive tool, and you are the only one who sees it coming. I think Smallpox is pretty good. Of course it's value shoots up if you cube multiple Gravecrawlers and such.
So the question as always is how much poisony support do you need for smallpox? Does it suck if you don't go hard into that kind of deck?
game ruining bullshit?
Interesting control finisher that attacks the game from a different angle, or game ruining bullshit?
you are the biggest card hipster since me. god bless you, your list is full of more idiosyncratic cards and their kin, things we try once and are complete failures. try phenax and tell us what happens
Interesting control finisher that attacks the game from a different angle, or game ruining bullshit?
So the question as always is how much poisony support do you need for smallpox? Does it suck if you don't go hard into that kind of deck?
I've run decks with 4x Gravecrawler where Smallpox was bad. It has some nice theoretical applications, but in practice it was almost always a clunkyspell that you wished were anything else.
Yeah, once you realize that its just a super awkward edict effect (and edict effects can be awkward already), you stop running it.
By contrast, I loved Innocent Blood in black aggro and control decks. Weird to see a card that works in both, but (generally) not midrange.
you are the biggest card hipster since me. god bless you, your list is full of more idiosyncratic cards and their kin, things we try once and are complete failures. try phenax and tell us what happens
Fuck what CML said, run it for delve/spells matter. Also can randomly fuck up something your opponent set up with scry for the price of free.
nah not interesting enough to be worth the draft slot. seems reasonable until you try it. gitaxian probe is also not close to being worth it
Prowess brah