Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Yeah, it's kind of surprising how sparingly scry 1 was used before this block. As a player, I always dig a good scry 2 rider, as it adds a bit of kick to an already meaty card. But scry 1 is something that they can throw on most any spell - or land! - and help out those cards that were almost playable to cross the finish line.


Well, is a one mana premium on Unsummon, which qualifies as reasonable filler, worth sometimes being a 2 mana discount on griptide, which is pretty bad? I mean, if we are looking at raw power, Unexpectedly Absent gets a significantly more flexible effect then a clashed Whirlpool Whelm at WW. I think most of the other blue options at this cost are more interesting (Cyclonic Rift Into the Roil Boomerang).

While I won't be bothered to math out your chances of winning the clash, but because you lose ties its certainly significantly under then 50%.

Note: This is purely theoretical, I've never played the card in cube.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Someone I respect said somewhere at some point that you have a 25% chance of winning a random clash. In my own experience, I think the number is probably closer to 30 or 35%.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Yeah, I suspect it's in that ballpark. 1/3 chance of tying, 1/3 chance of losing outright, and 1/3 chance of winning?
That seems logical if everyone has the same curve. What I don't like about Clash is that it's so hard in limited to set up a deck to take advantage of it. I suppose you could make that deck possible by doubling down on Evoke creatures and other things that you can get value out of for less than its technical CMC.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I personally think Clash is a dumb mechanic and it reminds me of some of the super clunky stuff from the original Star Wars CCG. That game also had a card with a "CMC" of pi, but I can't for the life of me remember the name.


I heard that game was way better than Magic from multiple sources who can be trusted on this matter. It filled me with narcissism and rage when some of the stated reasons were "all the cards were playable" (i.e. flat power curve) and "all the cards did more stuff" (i.e. high decision density).

was it good for you, wadds?

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I heard that game was way better than Magic from multiple sources who can be trusted on this matter. It filled me with narcissism and rage when some of the stated reasons were "all the cards were playable" (i.e. flat power curve) and "all the cards did more stuff" (i.e. high decision density).

was it good for you, wadds?

I liked it at the time, but then I was the 10 year-old playing local tournaments and not really understanding what was going on. I didn't understand anything of the "meta" and just played some decks with cards I thought were good and would always go like 2 - 4 in the Swiss. I remember I would see the "winning" decks in that Scrye magazine and not really understand why they were good.
I personally think Clash is a dumb mechanic and it reminds me of some of the super clunky stuff from the original Star Wars CCG. That game also had a card with a "CMC" of pi, but I can't for the life of me remember the name.


I used to be obsessed with that game. It was fun, though I wouldn't be able to judge whether or not it was better than Magic. It had a tactical aspect to it such that it mattered where your locations and dudes were, which was kind of neat. They nailed the flavor, obviously. I miss putting a bounty on Han and murdering him for the win.

I've seen one or two SWCCG cubes and considered building one myself, but I only know like two people who still know how to play, and Man There Are Some Rules to that game.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I tried to re-read the rulebook a while back and couldn't understand why it was so damn complicated. I probably never played a game correctly in my life.
The only thing I know about that card game is that they are a high tier of hipster token smugness allowance at my LGS. The brief time barely-esper control included midnight haunting, lingering souls, and a copy of Elesh norn, Grand Cenobite, the guy with tie fighter tokens was the swaglord. Or something. I'm not entirely sure.

I took a gander at a local's cycle cube list, and for some reason never connected the dots that more cards than white and red's could exist in this particular cycle.

Why did they add awful restrictions to the {U} and {B}? Faeries op?

Chris Taylor


One last note about this card:
My favorite cancel variant is hinder (because I love remand possibly too much), and it's graveyard hate interaction did actually bite me in the ass last draft :p

Late in the game with both of us on single digit life, I hinder'd a suitably lethal Man-o'-War on my Shadowborn Demon, only to have him draw pod a few turns later, sacrifice voice of resurgence, and flip the bottom card of his library into play :p

Also be real: Faeries wouldn't have played beseech or advice anyways. They're sorceries!
Beseech should have just been a straight tutor. Maybe even an instant. I see no issue with that honestly. It's not like a BBB instant diabolic/demonic tutor would have been broken. It would have actually been playable instead of jank.