General The Constructed thread

3 mana is the main issue, also doesn't find lands or mana dorks early. Was a bit too clunky in my experience, also more likely to whiff than the other enablers. Would rather another nyx weaver tbh
I've never played with nyx weaver so I can't say, I think that card might be better for a different deck but finding some of the stronger removal options and the best creatures in the format and fueling dredge is pretty fine.
I mean having actually played games with the deck I never really felt like I wanted a clunky enabler that takes up an entire turn, doesn't block or attack, or only finds wincons and a 1-of removal spell.
Like finding courser that you can't even cast on the same turn is an okay consolation prize but hardly exciting. This deck hard casts its fatties quite often by just hitting land drops and casting caryatids, and weakening that plan to marginally improve the reanimator plan seems poor.
Yeah I'm thinking I'd rather play it in a deck who was more concerned with gasing up again in the late game than a deck that has a billion giant comes into play creatures as it's lategame. I basically didn't remember how nyx weaver worked because it pretty much always died immediately whenever I played it in limited lol. I'm not criticizing your decisions.
People let it live too often in constructed, had several people let me untap, block their stormbreath and get back murderous cut lol
Man I assumed they would never let their rubble muster knock heads with anything that cost 3 and had 3 toughness. Man I need to play some games with that deck, I've only really played green/x devotion so far in new standard.
The azban midrange decks completely squick me out, they are so 3 heavy for a deck with so many tapped lands and like all their 3s are double colour in different varieties.
does fated conflagration kill almost everything?
Ugh I hate 4cc removal though, might as well play utter end lol.
I know. I'm pretty sure it takes out almost every relevant threat right now since 5 damage is a big deal, but it's probably not worth diving in that deep into red because there's no other benefit. It's a 4 mana removal spell in a format that just got a bunch of relevant three and four drops from KTK. I don't think you'll ever be ahead when playing Fated Conflagration. The only things that come to mind with 6+ toughness:

Saw all of these at FNM yesterday. Aside from that, I think it kills everything else.