I love this forum.
If you're an idiot like I am, and playing a 3 colour deck, like jeskai, you might be more comfortable playing cruise than alternatives because dig is disadvantaged if you aren't in tune with ambiguity/ you are playing a super redundant deck / you aren't leaning on a lot of instant moments / you have shitty/ painful mana.
Just crappy personal experience here. I think there is a lot to be learned about the difference between these obviously compared delve spells and we are at the door of a master class of learning the shit out of redundant options.
I think it boils down to "don't playwhat does that even mean
Yo I was also hella drunk because my birthday was yesterday and when I got horizontal I checked my messages and decided to talk about my experiences playing card games recently.Allow me.
"Good sirs,
I would like to raise again, the subject of treasure cruise v. dig through time. At the recent pro tour, many pros seemed of the opinion that dig through time was just strictly better than treasure cruise, but I am starting to doubt that. If you are like me, and playing a 3 color deck, I think cruise may be better in certain situations. For example, maybe you have enough redundency in your deck where the spell selection of dig dosen't matter, or your deck dosen't place a high value on dig being an instant, or your mana base struggles with dig'scasting cost.
This is just based on personal experience, but I am beginning to think maybe this isn't as clear cut as the pros make it out to be. I think there is a lot to learn from comparing these delve spells; though both spells may seem to fill the same niche, I think we are all about to get a lesson in how different seemingly comparable spells can be."
I know neologisms are in style today, but we should all take a deep breath, and remember to show some restraint before trying to incentivize the synergistic dissimulation of language option matrices in today communication alleyways.
Also, I agree and think you are spot on. They are different draw engines, and one is not strictly better than the other.
its definitely good but i dunno if your green 5 slot is soft enough. game warden is not nearly as cool as wolfir silverheart, for example, and may even be lamer than acidic slime and thornling, though it is certainly sweeter than deranged hermit