-There's basically no way for control to beat bitterblossom here (realistically). It might have to go
-Sadly with bitterblossom leaving, I have exactly 3 black 2 drops I'm not customing and proud of (Blood artist, Bloodghast, and Dark Confidant) HALP!!!
-Blood Artist is SUPER STRONG. The second one might have to go. GAH BUT THEN THERE'S NO BLOODY 2 DROPS ANYMORE ><
I'm not really a fan of Oona's prowler noI realized the same thing about Bitterblossom as you: control ain't beating that, especially turn two on the play. I think I'm ok with that, though.
Those are the three best black two drops in my cube, too. Not a fan of Oona's Prowler? That guy does some good work in aggro decks here. I also like Reassembling Skeleton for the various shenanigans you can pull off with him, and sometimes he acts as a Very Slow Wall for the control decks, too. I'm also back on the Rotting Rats plan for zombies, though that one's a little more sketchy.
I just cut the second Blood Artist here, actually. Just like the fourth Gravecrawler, it's a bit too much of a good thing. I'm trying out Falkenrath Noble.. but I'm pretty sure he's no Blood Artist.
Chris, please text me like 2-3 days before you are in town so I can play and get you more mixed data,
Yours, a friend and admirer,
Ps I love wildfire
You could try
To help solve your bitterblossom problem.
I second skirsdag high priest.
How much do you like having effects in all colours. Which effects do you like in all colours? Remember we are designing a limited format with expectations.
At one point I had in here a 2/B 2/W unmake and I took it out not because it was too strong, but because it was boring too draft.
Erm, these are totally the same thing. Too strong doesn't have to be flashy.