In the meantime, here's the proper actual patchnotes:
Out In
Benevolent Pastor Brothers in Arms
Dragonscale Sentry Loyal Guard Hound
Perigrine Scout Arashin Steadfast
Perigrine Scout Apprentice Wolfhand
Consul's Lieutenant Loyal Cathar
Topan Freeblade Theraben War Marshal
Shaper Mystic Soltari Trooper
Phantom Nomad Ajani's Twinclaws
Charismatic Dictator Eldrazi Displacer
Ascendant Exorcist Master Splicer
High Sentinels of Arashin Geist Honored Monk
Mana Tithe Swords to Plowshares
Sunlance Condemn
Sunlance Humiliate
Journey to Nowhere Police Brutality
Journey to Nowhere Overthrow
Citadel Siege Spirit Cairn
Rout Day of Judgement
Phantasmal Bear Serene Medicant
Riverwheel Apprentice Cloudfin Raptor
Riverwheel Apprentice Cloudfin Raptor
Frostbringer Frost Darter
Fogchaser Fist of Flowing Water
Field Researcher Bounding Master
Field Researcher Rootwater Harrier
Sea Gate Oracle Rootwater Harrier
Eldrazi Skyspawner Apprentice Drake Rider
Man-'o-War Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest
Man-'o-War Hoarder of Secrets
Conundrum Sphinx Territorial Drake
Whirler Rogue Chronoflitter
Distortion Strike Constant Progress
Scatter to the Winds Jace, Architecht of Thought
Treasure Cruise Deep Analysis
Diregraf Ghoul Gravecrawler
Diregraf Ghoul Vampire Fledgling
Bloodsoaked Champion Dark Intruder
Novice Necromancer Dauthi Horror
Carrier Thrall Thrill-Kill Assassin
Skirsdag High Priest Necromancer Magus
Restless Reaper Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
Skinrender Relentless Persecution
Gilt-Leaf Winnower Weeping Fit
Unravel Doom Blade
Reave Soul Go for the Throat
Reave Soul Murderous Cut
Curse of Shallow Graves
Rakdos Pit-Beast Southshore Brigand
Prophetic Flamespeaker Southshore Brigand
Cunning Sparkmage Vithian Dunerunner
Gruul War Riders Raid Captain
Seige-Gang Commander Agent of Chaos
Flame Slash Goblin Dark-Dwellers
Valakut's Vengence Burst Lightning
Geistbolt Dragonfire
Exquisite Firecraft Meteor Strike
Molten Rain Outpost Siege
Blasphemous Act Chandra, Flamecaller
Experiment One Sylvan Mentor
Elvish Mystic Gnathosaur Hatchling
Sakura-Tribe Elder Sylvan Advocate
Yasova Dragonclaw King of the Jungle
Cytoplast Root-Kin Hidden Bounty
Arbor Colossus Shrewd Ambush
Harmony Charm Supply Raid
Farseek Nissa, Voice of Zendikar
Curse of Predation Growth Spasm
Cultivate Collected Company
Birthing Pod Collected Company
Mana Confluence Cogwork Librarian
Mana Confluence Thought-Knot Seer
Lich's Talisman Reality Smasher
Pyromancer's Rig Scuttling Doom Engine
Seeker's Regalia Soul Forge
Plundering Pike Nullstone Monolith
Arbiter's Blade Oracle Stone
Ghoulcaller's Shroud Visionstone
Blasting Station
Geist of St Traft Sphinx's Revelation
Supreme Verdict Reflector Mage
Havengul Lich Huntmaster of the Fells
Lavaclaw Reaches Voice of Resurgence
Rakdos Cackler Charismatic Dictator
Ghor-Clan Rampager Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim
Stirring Wildwood Wandering Fumarole
Lingering Souls
Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
Kiora, Master of the Depths
Lumbering Falls
Trygon Predator
Boros Reckoner
Deflecting Palm
White removal chanced from enchantment based to a more snapcastable
White 1 drops are now a bit more archetype friendly.
Suntail Hawk with renown 1 was too strong
Blue now has creatures with +1/+1 counters on them, so that people can surprise me with pitches to force decks (Black does too. Less though. I'm trying!

Man-o-war now has proliferate
Black removal no longer sucks (
Reave Soul >
Go for the Throat)
Red now doesn't accidentally have half the 1 drops of other colors

Trying out CoCo
No more
Vulshok Morningstars with damage triggers (Faux Sword of X and Y)
PILES of multicolor cards left.