brainstorm over cataclysm, epochrasite. Epoch would go into any deck but brainstorm is likely stronger. taking my chances
kitchen finks over figure of destiny, sygg, murk lurker (is this card good enough?)
we have options. rushing river? too low power. Keiga? commits too much to a lategame deck. Ojutai exemplars gets along with my brainstorm and my finks. Less strong than dark confidant though... Picking the exemplars
hmmm are we jeskai? hard for me to pass jori en. I like her a lot. red looks open, blue doesn't. taking seaside campfire and if I wheel the jori I can probably play her and be that deck.
woah okay blue is open nevermind. Izzet charm, kira, shelldock isle (!) incursion specialist, dack's duplicate. It's gotta be kira right?
stormchaser mage over sacred foundry, boros reckoner, scorching pool. ouch
how long can I keep picking cars over fixing? abbot of keral keep over vale of dust. Maybe I just won't play my white cards?
firebolt over perilous myr
epochrasite is still in the pack. wtf? at this point we're all about veteran chronarch though. Sad about not getting dimensional infiltrator
firedrinker satyr over figure of destiny

sorry figure!
gore-house chainwalker
stormkirk noble is probably better than avg in our deck since we can probably bounce/burn stuff out of the way (noting that we need to take the right cards for this plan to work)
incursion specialist over dack's duplicate, we need need need to get the spells to support this deck, but we definitely have a solid base
hate yavimaya hollow
I dont think pyro's assault is good enough even though we're that deck

lightning strike over clutch of currents because burn can kill people at 3 life and bounce can't. Leaving nahiri and needle spires in the pack. Also passing figure and goblin rabblemaster
recurring dream is sweet! I love drafting this cube just to look at cool customs

incinerate over radiant flames is the pick. passing heelcutter and it'd be sweet to get it back
ugh! jhoira's command or hellrider? or porcelain legionnaire? I choose command but I dunno if i'm right...
DDDD: delver or sin prodder? I think it's sin prodder but man is this painful
okay this is just stupid brutal. Brainstorm or misfire adept? Or frostburn weird or seaside campfire? Brainstorm obviously but man. rough!
volt charge. erryday.
sower of temptation great four drop for us.
Even with two brainstorm I dont think we hve the cantrip density to make pyro's assault good and that's sort of a bummer

figure of destiny is probably just a bad 2/2 in our deck. If a game goes really late maybe he's a 4/4. I'll take it though
outpost siege probably too expensive and slow for our deck. potentially cool engine with this and the pyro's but I dunno what deck can afford to take two turns off to cast four mana enchants
hate recurring dream because we actually can't beat it
great teacher's decree is sick if we did want to splash (but we have no fixing and wont)
weapon's trainer whatever
misfire adept, oddly less mana intensive than the frostburn weird
cloudfin raptor might be good enough? or creature count is so-so
elctrolyze over devour intellect, skin invasion, arid mesa
gelectrode over jhessian thief, zealous conscripts. ZC might be the better reach option but I kinda wanna go all in on our plan
chasm skulker over rise from the tides
boros charm
war name aspirant is a lady who can attack I guess?
good lord. two super sick customs. Dancing Dagger or Fiery Wisps? they both kinda seem OP. I pick Wisps.
wandering fumarole over venser SS, nucklavee, blinding drone.
zurgo ballstriker
skin invasion
zealous conscripts. insane pickup this late
rise from the tides. There go my ambitions of playing too few lands.
I dunno, hate out lark?
hate from under the floorboards?
blighted cataract probably makes our deck actually
blinding drone probably can't since I xcan't activate it reliably enough

shoulda been better about taking fixing.