At least you're rich!My fucking time machine broke down AGAIN. Sometimes being an interdimensional being is more trouble than it’s worth.
At least you're rich!My fucking time machine broke down AGAIN. Sometimes being an interdimensional being is more trouble than it’s worth.
thanks for highlighting these!I am thinking hard weather I want to include a bunch of blood token makers.
The black ones and Betrayal have a decent baseline even without madness or artifact synergies, but none of these excite me.
Also I hate wizards for having green be the only color without a blood producer. I mean, come on, it's like they explictly want me to not support green madness. has all your green madness design gaps covered, jussayinSorry @ravnic Wizards will likely never support your green madness. I believe I wrote this to you three years ago as well. Obviously never say never. If I were you I would either decide to live with that situation or quit the green madness and settle for either mono red madness or another combination that isn’t GruulYou will get a card here and there but most likely not a fully fledged support set like we all want for you.
I am very happy you got the Blood Tokens because they are awesome and should fit in perfectly in red madness. has all your green madness design gaps covered, jussayin
Sorry @ravnic Wizards will likely never support your green madness. I believe I wrote this to you three years ago as well. Obviously never say never. If I were you I would either decide to live with that situation or quit the green madness and settle for either mono red madness or another combination that isn’t GruulYou will get a card here and there but most likely not a fully fledged support set like we all want for you.
I am very happy you got the Blood Tokens because they are awesome and should fit in perfectly in red madness.
Sadly this steps on green’s toes but I think green has enough at the moment.
Enough propaganda. Get back in the customs thread!any color can do whatever you want it to do in your own cube
Didn't even link the cardname SMHEnough propaganda. Get back in the customs thread!
Spells/abilities only fizzle (gets countered) when ALL targets are removed. If one is removed the other two will return.Gonna put some of the Commander cards here that are interesting rather than making a new thread for them.
View attachment 5667
Secure the Wastes meets Pull From Tomorrow? I love stocking up my graveyard and getting enough blockers in the way to help keep me alive while I drudle, I think I like this more than all the other neat blue draw spells we saw in the main set, even if it doesn't actually....draw you a single card. Still gotta think more about this one before I commit.
View attachment 5668
White's Ophiomancer I guess? White's 3s are pretty stacked already, and while I think it's reasonable to get a token out of this card most turns, if your opponent really doesn't want you to get those spirits, they can stop you or make you hold back lands yourself. While it's interesting, I don't see it as so much better than a Seller of Songbirds that I can seriously consider it.
View attachment 5669
The explosiveness of Victimize without requiring anything on-board -- but it does require three cards in your yard and will fizzle if one disappears before resolution. I like the art, the flavor, and the effect, and that it signals Rakdos as a good reanimation pair. One mana more than I'd have liked to see as a slam-dunk include, but I'm going to have to look very carefully at my RB section for this one.
View attachment 5670
A serious Madness payoff. The 8 life will really be closer to 5 life most of the time when it's cast with the life gain effect, and this is a reasonably powerful enough card to justify being in reanimation decks, many of which may be able to Madness the Archfiend out as a backup plan too. I'm not sure what black top-end card I'd replace this with, as I like the artifact-ness of its closest synonym in my cube, Noxious Gearhulk, but this Demon is certainly worth some consideration and is the most exciting of the new cards for me.
That's the way I read it.1U discarding something like a Scrapheap Scrounger and net 2 spirits??
Yes. Your highest EV is payingOccult Epiphany is very interesting! Am I reading this right that you could pay 1U discarding something like a Scrapheap Scrounger and net 2 spirits??