Hahahaha, this is the best one yet! In fact, I don't think any meme cleave card can beat this :')
I wonder how the numbers look if you exclude sets with DFC's. We have been getting a lot of those recently, and they are probably the wordiest cards out there. I might be wrong, but I'm assuming this will be the last set in a while with a heavy DFC component. Mark Gottlieb wrote an article last year about average word count (which you can find
here). Obviously, averages are dangerous, because they obfuscate a
lot of information. What this article does proof is that word count
is something WotC is very conscious of. The article lists the average word count per rarity for Ixalan through Ikoria with and without reminder text, which are two additional parameters that are great for additional insight. Ideally, you'ld want even more information, like mean values and standard deviations, to get an even better idea of word count distribution. Pretty fascinating insight regardless, because it's very clear most complexity is allowed within the mythic and (to a lesser extent) the rare slot. (PS. Don't be fooled by the color scheme, for some reason they haven't bothered to align the chart colors with rarity colors, so we have yellow representing mythics, silver representing rares, and orange representing uncommons :facepalm

I haven't seen as expansive an article since, but I'm pretty sure all of the DFC's haven't improved things, since each of those is basically two cards in one. It would be interesting to get an update along the same lines, honestly!
PS2. I also wanted to put a shoutout to
@Nemo here, who created
this fantastic thread last year, where they calculated the average word count (at the time) for a bunch of cubes. It would, again, be interesting to see mean values in addition to the averages, because like I said, averages tend to obfuscate a lot of information.