Escort is cool if you're trying to protect something like Hero of Bladehold or Baneslayer Angel, but otherwise it's competing with a lot of other cards and offers an effect that's replaceable and doesn't do much.
I really like Mirari's Wake. Anthem + Flare lets you have fun with manasinks without completely abandoning the board, which is pretty cool.
Trostani is really strong, but a bit lopsided in where it puts out value. Plays great with Wake too.
Knight of the Reliquary is a land tutoring fatty, can't go wrong with that.
Armadilo Cloak is just nuts as far as auras go.
Coolest Pod 2-drop there is. I don't know if that's relevant for most people though.
I mean, if we are going to be excluding cards for their art, though, this one is pretty high on my list.
I really like Mirari's Wake.
I mean, if we are going to be excluding cards for their art, though, this one is pretty high on my list.
maybe something for cubes of lesser power (and who can't afford the original)?
I like how it works together with token producers like Ophiomancer and Curse of Shallow Graves while being a beater.
not something for many decks, though
I know this was mentioned recently in the lifegain thread, but has anyone else been playing this? I have since its release and it barely gets played, but every time it does it's powerful and memorable.