Search results

  1. Erik Twice

    General Alchemy, Playtest, Funny and other strange cards

    There are a bunch of pseudo-official cards that can be run in our cubes but that we rarely do. Perhaps they are part of the Un sets, the digital-only Alchemy sets or those funky playtest cards. While the quality of these sets is pretty low, particularly Alchemy, there are still some cards that...
  2. Erik Twice

    General Fantastic, all-around staples you might not be running

    There have been quite a few cards that have proven absolute staples, not only in my cube, but in the cubes of most people who have tried them here. And yet, since they are all a bit unassuming, they may have gone without much notice. Here are some truly fantastic cards that fit a wide...
  3. Erik Twice

    Article Slot efficiency

    DEFINITION & EFFICIENCY No matter how many cards compose our cube, its number will always be finite. And since the card pool is limited and only forty cards go in a deck, we may come to realize that the number of slots available are limited. Given this scarcity I want to introduce the concept...
  4. Erik Twice

    General What to do with white's cool recursion?

    White has gotten quite a few cards that allow for recursion. And yet, I haven't found a good use for them. Other than looping Reveillark, there hasn't been any cool decks powered by white's unusual cards and there must be. Look at this, isn't this a combo deck in the making? Brought Back...
  5. Erik Twice

    General Share underrated, highly versatile cards

    Gingerbrute Aggro one-drops are parasitic. Gingerbrute, however, can be run in all colours. It also has both haste and evasion, which keeps it relevant at all points in the game. More importantly, it promotes drafters to look for equipment, auras and other ways to boost its power. It's even...
  6. Erik Twice

    General Let me draft your cube

    I'm bored. That means I should be writing or playing games to write about them or some other nonsense. But no, this time I'm going to help you test your cube by drafting. You guys have been helping me test mine so it only makes sense to return the favour. Link here your cube and what you want...
  7. Erik Twice

    General Cool decks to take inspiration from

    A thread about cool decks to take inspiration from. Ones 1 Reclaim 3 Sensei's Divining Top 1 Hana Kami Twos 3 Goryo's Vengeance 2 Last Gasp 2 Farseek 4 Sakura-Tribe Elder 1 Soulless Revival 1 Death Denied 4 Defense Grid Threes 1 Putrefy 1 Recollect 4 Kodama's Reach 1 Dosan the Falling...
  8. Erik Twice

    Erik's Boredom cube (Low power, budget)

    Hello, I'm Erik Twice and I should be writing. But I have a headache and I'm bored. While I wait for it to go away I've decided to draft another cube. One that is cheap and that I can actually build in real life with real cards. Let's say 20 cents per card is 20 cents too much. Since my cube...
  9. Erik Twice

    General Blue cantrips or "Why not run a billion Brainstorms?"

    For a long time, I have had three blue cantrips in my cube: Ponder Preordain Brainstorm But I've noticed two of those are sorceries and I've been tempted to do a Wadell and just run lots of Brainstorms over them. But why? I don't know why I should choose one over the other. So here are some...
  10. Erik Twice

    General Show me your Simic decks

    I'm having a bit of trouble with my Simic section at the moment. It seems difficult to move into it, even if it's open, and I'm not overly fond of the resulting decks. I was wondering what your Simic decks look like and if you wouldn't mind sharing them for inspiration.
  11. Erik Twice

    General Show me your discard and graveyard synergies

    Riptide Lab is all about lackluster graveyard themes, or so says, Waddell. Yet we don't have a lot of information on the topic beyond squadronning Gravecrawlers threads made several years ago. As I'm reworking my cube, I would love to see what you guys are up to. Show me neat things you do and...
  12. Erik Twice

    General Small archetype packages

    Earlier this morning I noticed I had added a small archetype in my cube without meaning to. And it made me think of small archetype packages that can be implemented in most cubes without radical changes. Do you have any that surprised you? BERSERKERS Fencing AceSolemn Recruit Stoneforge...
  13. Erik Twice

    General Let's talk about generating value

    Look what I did, for value. - Unknown I dislike "Baneslayers". I don't like cards that generate a game-winning advantage if not killled on the spot, because I'm allergic to games ending and I don't think it's where the fun of Magic lies. But, when I think about it, the problem is not...
  14. Erik Twice

    General Green four drop creatures

    It seems to me green four drops are less defined than they are in other colours. What are you running? Which ones do you like and which ones you don't? Beast Whisperer Bramble Sovereign Centaur Vinecrasher Vengevine Master of the Wild Hunt Oracle of Mul Daya Polukranos, World Eater Thrun...
  15. Erik Twice

    General Making broken cards fair

    I believe there's a very strong correlation between creativity in card design and power. Better, more creative cards tend to push against the boundaries of the game, resulting in an inherent amount of power. The result is that some of the more fun, interesting cards in the game are downright...
  16. Erik Twice

    General Promoting Blue as a support colour for tempo/aggro

    I'm reworking the blue section of my cube and one of my goals is to help make blue play better with other colours. This requires broadening blue so that it can better work in a support role for creature based decks, normally tempo or aggro. For example, I want to make Blue a better player in...
  17. Erik Twice

    General Cube cards - Negative Surprises

    Let's create a counterpart to Ravnic's Positive Surprises thread: Which cards you expected to perform well or lead to interesting games only to find them dissapointing or game-ruining? Massacre Wurm At first I thought this card was similar to Crater Hellion, which I was very happy about...
  18. Erik Twice

    General How to buy cards in bulk for Cube?

    There are some incredibly expensive cards in the average Cube. However, there are also many cards that are very cheap or that have next to no demand. In fact, I was surprised at how cheap cards like Wildfire, Cruel Ultimatum or Reveillark are. The issue is that, even if the card themselves are...
  19. Erik Twice

    General Your favourite Draft formats/blocks

    Back when I played MTG draft was not as popular as it is now. Most players around me played different forms of Constructed but we only indulged in Limited a couple times, most notably for Ravnica's release. And Ravnica was great. In fact, it seems to be one of the best regarded sets of all...
  20. Erik Twice

    General Let's talk fatties

    All cubes need high CC creatures, but they are hard to get right. Often unplayable, ocasionally game-winning, finding big creatures that are interesting and fun is proving a challenge. Things also get harder when you include Sneak Attack, Reanimator or Oath in your cube. These cards are very...