General CBS

Speaking of artifact.dec


Jason Waddell

Staff member
I have become the most disorganized Magic card owner ever. Somehow I can't find two planeswalkers, and stumbled upon a box I didn't know I forgot I had with like, Primeval Titan, Celestial Colonnade, Vendilion Clique and other random crap. When James was over I just found an envelope of unopened card orders from ChannelFireball. Whoops.

The annoying thing is I don't know if I traded these missing cards away, accidentally hid them in sleeves with other cards, or they got stolen. No idea. I'll probably never know.

Dom Harvey

Yeah that's the obvious one, but just turning dumb animals sideways doesn't feel as fun or unique as Blink is in U/W, for instance. I guess some kind of Dev Dreams/Wildfire ramp deck ala Standard circa Nationals 2011?

Dom Harvey

I'm tempted to let drafters have Birthing Pods as 'basic lands' and dive into the paint in this next design. Your Domain deck turning Stratodon into Ulamog? Your Dredge deck converting a 2-mana Tombstalker into Iona? I feel an article coming on...
There's nothing wrong with turning boring creatures sideways, especially for one colour pair who isn't doing anything else. Not everyone can do interesting things, so someone's going to be left attacking all day everyday anyway, might as well enable it for people who actually want to do it anyway.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
It's fine, but almost never comes together (this speaking as somebody who runs both in 360). It's such an outrageous way to end the game that I don't think it's ever really unfun.

Dom Harvey

What Jason said. I think there's (mostly unexplored) room for a recursive creatures + Wraths strategy in Cube (Gravecrawler/Bloodghast with Toxic Deluge, Doomed Traveler/Voice of Resurgence with Wrath, etc.) and Act slots very nicely into that.