Sets [FRF] Fate Reforged spoilers

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member

Am I the only guy excited by Arashin Cleric? Value 1/3's for two are sweet, especially in the Esper colours. While blue is already flooded to the gills with value bodies, white could stand to use a few more. This guy's base stats make a lot more sense than Lone Missionary from a few years back.

...What's that? Only me? ...Carry on.
I actually have more respect for that ideal than the people that do run funtional reprints. If you're gonna go singleton, go singleton. That said, don't.

Dom Harvey

I didn't like Tasigur until I realized I do like Hooting Mandrills and I couldn't have both those views at the same time.


Ecstatic Orb
i like "keyword hunting" in theory because we've all done stuff with card advantage and card selection and self-mill etc. but who the hell has ever played a game of magic to KEYWORD HUNT?
I actually have a BW keyword hunt casual deck lying around somewhere with....

The rest I can't remember. It's been a while since I rocked those old-school 60 card casual decks...
Eric please don't cube that sb card over something that can kill your opponent hahahah wall of omens already does that things job fine
I felt a little loose on him but then I read "nonland" in his ability
Can you explain your reasining behind the last two posts. I mean I tend to prefer my black/ white removal being less conditional and the red removal being faster and more pressurey.

Also why do you want your synergy creatures you invest in to be killable for 1?
Also whats wrong with not being forced to pick up a land for mill 2 and 4. We are playing 40 card decks and like EOT 4 mana doesn't leave a lot of room for casting spells if your opponent wants to give you some 3cc durdle removal or value idiot.


Ecstatic Orb
Can you explain your reasining behind the last two posts. I mean I tend to prefer my black/ white removal being less conditional and the red removal being faster and more pressurey.

Also why do you want your synergy creatures you invest in to be killable for 1?
Also whats wrong with not being forced to pick up a land for mill 2 and 4. We are playing 40 card decks and like EOT 4 mana doesn't leave a lot of room for casting spells if your opponent wants to give you some 3cc durdle removal or value idiot.
Chris is chiming in on the Tasigur vs Soulflayer debate. Tasigur's 5 toughness means he survives the four damage spells, which is a positive thing. Chris then reads the card again and notices that it can only return nonland cards, which makes it much better than he originally thought. I think that's all there is to his comments.

How am I doing so far Chris? :)

Chris Taylor

Chris is chiming in on the Tasigur vs Soulflayer debate. Tasigur's 5 toughness means he survives the four damage spells, which is a positive thing. Chris then reads the card again and notices that it can only return nonland cards, which makes it much better than he originally thought. I think that's all there is to his comments.

How am I doing so far Chris? :)

Yeah basically :p
given the number of fetchlands in my cube, I essentially read his ability as {G/U}{G/U}{2}:Mill 2, get F'd. He's much better now that he can actually "draw" you gas, albeit the worst gas available.
My fave thing about taigur is that your opponent picks the card and the ability costs 2CC. So much cool potential tempo play there. It might be too much thinking but it reminds me of mini gifts when i was playing against told heartbeat combo decks.

I cannot wait to be screwed out of a game because the card I returned was just 1 mana too expensive during the next turn and a half.
Why not run both? If you're supporting Delve, it seems easy enough. I like Soulflayer's keyword hunting shtick. Tasigur even fuels your future delve spells & seems solid even if you have to cast him for 5 or the full 6. It isn't like there's a million good delve spells, anyway. There's these two, murderous cut, & the two blue spells. Maybe Mandrils if you really want to go apeshit with delve. Most of us run fetches & looters anyway. That's more support right there than the average Khans draft. You can usually get away with 2 or 3 delve cards in Khans. Why is this really a debate?
Mainly people like putting similar cards up against each other.

I think Tombstalker is probably sweeter than mandrils but w/e. I think it's more of a question on if you don't "support" delve or not. I think soulflaya is probably the lamer of the two because it's super inconsistent what you'll have in your grave and tonnes of decks interested in playing delve creatures may just never have any keyworded guys in their grave because they mainly love utility guys. Mulldrifter is sweet here but Shriekmaw is a sad victim of the times.

I love that it don't pick up defender from caryatid. Respect.