Sets (MH2) Modern Horizons 2 Previews


Ecstatic Orb
Kills Wrenn and Six or Goyf for two, seems at its best in a low CMC, high fixing density cube.
But those are often rife with better options. This is neither instant speed, nor can it deal with a permanent at mana advantage. You're always trading exactly 1 for 1 at sorcery speed. Might still be worth it though? Funch's Unpowered Fair List is running Council's Judgment, for example which can hit a couple of delve creatures that are out of reach for Prismatic Ending, but Ending is also more efficient removal in a whopping 132 cases.
The thing is judgment's primary role (and that of similar oblivion rings) is to be a kill anything - murdering Thruns and TNNs is also quite relevant. I do think prismatic ending beats out oblivion ring (altho needing 3c is somewhat relevant), but I would run Judgment over Ending.

I think this card is honestly super powerful. Having an early mode that trades for broken 1 mana cards like Aether Vial, Delver of Secrets, Hardened Scales, etc is a nice floor state to begin with for eternal magic, Isolate honestly isn't that far off from playable and this new card is *much* better than Isolate. As far as constructed is concerned, this is going to have pretty stiff competition from Portable Hole in 2 color decks but for anything that's 3+ colors I think this is an easy include as you get to off nonsense like wrenn and six, uro, 3feri, liliana of the veil, lurrus, all while still having the ability to trade even on mana with strong threats in the early game. I think this card probably sits right below STP and Path in terms of its power level as a removal spell. The more I think about this card the more nuts I think it is. I hope this gets a fancy boomer border treatment.
I think this card is honestly super powerful. Having an early mode that trades for broken 1 mana cards like Aether Vial, Delver of Secrets, Hardened Scales, etc is a nice floor state to begin with for eternal magic, Isolate honestly isn't that far off from playable and this new card is *much* better than Isolate. As far as constructed is concerned, this is going to have pretty stiff competition from Portable Hole in 2 color decks but for anything that's 3+ colors I think this is an easy include as you get to off nonsense like wrenn and six, uro, 3feri, liliana of the veil, lurrus, all while still having the ability to trade even on mana with strong threats in the early game. I think this card probably sits right below STP and Path in terms of its power level as a removal spell. The more I think about this card the more nuts I think it is. I hope this gets a fancy boomer border treatment.
It is available in retro frame, as they call it now

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I think this card is honestly super powerful. Having an early mode that trades for broken 1 mana cards like Aether Vial, Delver of Secrets, Hardened Scales, etc is a nice floor state to begin with for eternal magic, Isolate honestly isn't that far off from playable and this new card is *much* better than Isolate. As far as constructed is concerned, this is going to have pretty stiff competition from Portable Hole in 2 color decks but for anything that's 3+ colors I think this is an easy include as you get to off nonsense like wrenn and six, uro, 3feri, liliana of the veil, lurrus, all while still having the ability to trade even on mana with strong threats in the early game. I think this card probably sits right below STP and Path in terms of its power level as a removal spell. The more I think about this card the more nuts I think it is. I hope this gets a fancy boomer border treatment.
Totally agree, this is one of the most flexible, scalable answers they've printed
Both Portable Hole and Prismatic Ending with a converge count of 2 hit roughly 50% of the nonland permanents in my cube. I feel like I will want to include one of the two, but I'm not sure which I prefer. My environment typically has 2 color decks, but a third splash color isn't that uncommon.

I like the efficiency, simplicity, and artifact synergy of Hole, but Ending deals with the threat permanently and scales. I also like having a handful 5c incentives that stand on their own in 2-3 color decks like Engineered Explosives and Golos, Tireless Pilgrim.

It's a good problem to have!
I love how each set you're super hyped @ravnic then gradually disappointed as we go through the set as it doesn't meet your expectations. :D
Hahs, I'm still hyped for MH2, you will just watch my pain over every retro frame slot they waste for something horrible like that during the next two weeks :D


Man, I wish they would've mad the activation cost hybrid as well. I could've find space for a golgari hybrid, but my gold section is stacked.
I really like ravenous squirrel! My sacrifice is primary to RB, but this makes a nice bridge into Jund, and GB can still heavily utilize it via value reanimation or recursive creatures like skyclave shade. Nice!
Not saying this is good for cube, just that.. Wow I really like this card as a sketch. Like the fracturing of the sanity extended to the artist drawing the card. Really cool.
View attachment 4044

Man, I wish they would've mad the activation cost hybrid as well. I could've find space for a golgari hybrid, but my gold section is stacked.
I don't think it is necessary to activate its ability for this card to do some work. It is arguably better than mortician beetle (the beetle also synergizes with edicts) because of its hybrid cost. Besides the typical aristocrats synergies it also triggers off food, clues, treasure and baubles. It can help tie together several themes of black and green that they have been pushing lately (+1/+1 counters, sacrifice and life gain).

I for one am super stoked about this card with the backdrop of Gilded Goose, Nest Invader, various artifacts and other efficient sacrifice outlets
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See this is a sweet choice for a retro frame treatment!


But why do they have to leave all reminder text from showcase, now even retro frame cards? It is quite a big deal for rare mechanics like ninjutsu, and it's so annoying for basically no gain.
See this is a sweet choice for a retro frame treatment!

View attachment 4047

But why do they have to leave all reminder text from showcase, now even retro frame cards? It is quite a big deal for rare mechanics like ninjutsu, and it's so annoying for basically no gain.

My guess is WotC has some internal market research data that tells them that the overwhelming majority of premium card versions are played in constructed decks that folks pimp out and so the lack of reminder text probably doesn't matter to them. If you have a fully pimped out legacy UB ninjas deck do you really need the cards to tell you what they do? Less text on cards probably also saves them a few $'s that would normally be spent on ink, so considering how large the print runs are of these things, if you cut some text here and there on a few dozen cards that can be a significant savings when you multiply it by the amount of times you plan to print the thing. WotC isn't gonna make decisions that increase their cost just to better meet the needs of some extremely niche buyer (cube owners that like reminder text).

tl;dr blah blah capitalism is why you can't have thing you want.