Sets (MID) Innistrad: Midnight Hunt

what do we think of these two? Ghoulish might be kind of a big ask to really generate value, but there’s a nice ceiling there. Locked Inside the Cemetery is probably my favorite variation ever on the Winter’s Rest effect, and 5 cards in yard is probably significantly easier than the classical Threshold.
Imo I think ghoulish procession is going to make waves (unless it's a mistranslation). Because it counts all creatures. So Damnation your opponent's board and bam, swing for the win. That's kind of stupid, but it's a neat effect for control decks if you're looking for it.
I had been scouring scryfall for white discard effects in order to enable white reanimator. With the right supporting cast this grants the option of pivoting from a black based reanimator deck into white blue reanimator (e.g pitching a fatty and unburial rites)

I could do without the blatant self referencing. Did they really need to do the flavor text? Croaking Counterpart is just egregious in this department. Cackling counterpart meets Frogify with a reference to young pyromancer's flavor text..?
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What’s wrong with the flavor text in your opinion?

Which interesting/good white discard cards did you find on Scryfall?
I think the flavor on Croaking is just another usage of the common idiom "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" and not a callback to YP.

I personally really like the parallels drawn between cards. Mending is a tasteful inversion of the original concept, the original flavor decried the abandonment of the people by Avacyn, this one shows a faith that is repairing itself after the total loss of Avacyn. Croaking is a bit tongue in cheek, which I think is great every now and then.
I personally really like the parallels drawn between cards. Mending is a tasteful inversion of the original concept, the original flavor decried the abandonment of the people by Avacyn, this one shows a faith that is repairing itself after the total loss of Avacyn.

@sigh I guess YP and frog is refencing the same idiom. English is not my mother tongue, so I actually didn't realize. They're both clever now that you informed me. (YP is imitating chandra and immolation sounds vaguely similar to imitation.)

I don't mind them referencing older cards - this is after all a return to Innistrad. Maybe they've just done this a litte too much for my tastes lately with modern horizons and the like. For me the name, art, and the effect on the card gets the point across. No need to reference the art of the of faithless looting in the flavor text.

As for white looting effects; it's slim pickings."discard+a+card"+color=W&unique=cards&as=grid&order=cmc
Seasoned hallowblade is a good card on its own. You have the strictly worse version in Patrol hound and it falls off quickly from there. Sunscourge champion is not a horrible magic card, but it is slow to enable reanimator or other discard synergies. I have been thinking of including learn cards like Professor of symbology. The issue then, of course, is how to deal with lessons.
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The broken stained glass looks different in Faithful mending, but I think they're trying to show the church that was looted in dark ascension. There are different artists after all. The flavor text is right, though - a church is not only a building, but also a congregation of people, so I'll give them that :)
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Don't want to sound blasphemous here, but this might just take the place of unburial rites in some formats :oops:. The {W} in unburial rites is always slightly to majorly awkward, and it would cleanly open up a slot for can't stay away

For instance, my WB is recursive weenie aggro... which can't stay away works better in, and my GB is more midrange self-mill GY value, which Rebirth looks great in, without needing to splash to flashback Rites

that…. might be pretty deece. costs 3 after a combat trade
Yeah, and after many wraths this will cost just {B}{G}, even from the graveyard.
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Don't want to sound blasphemous here, but this might just take the place of unburial rites in some formats :oops:. The {W} in unburial rites is always slightly to majorly awkward, and it would cleanly open up a slot for can't stay away

For instance, my WB is recursive weenie aggro... which can't stay away works better in, and my GB is more midrange self-mill GY value, which Rebirth looks great in, without needing to splash to flashback Rites

Yeah, and after many wraths this will cost just {B}{G}, even from the graveyard.
If only it were an instant…
If only it were an instant…
That would be too strong I think. Being able to reanimate after an opponent wraths on their turn is strong, and potentially being able to pay {B}{B}{G}{G} to double reanimate is really strong. You recycle up to two ETBs, and start your turn with no summoning sickness.

I think sorcery is fitting.