Isn't he one of the characters from atlantis?
Also I'm not sure I'm that desperate to have another version of
zulaport cutthroat (NOT
blood artist!) for this guy.
Also: I have valuable testing data on many of these cards! (well a few)
This card was actually quite sweet. I had both it and Frostburn Weird in a UR control deck last night, and opted to play it in the main to get some reps in. It performed admirably, and I flipped it once (I had a lot of walkers which is probably less than optimal. about 8 instants/sorceries), and flipping it did win me the game (Got me out of a very complicated board where it was my inferno titan + chaff vs his New Drana, New Kalitas and an 8 power Mikaeus the Lunarch)
I loved it, and there were moments were it was better and moments where it was worse than Ludvik's test subject, but I think the 4 toughness gives it the nod. So many of my early game threats grow or have 3 power off the bat that an 0/3 isn't cutting it blocking wise.
Yes this card is strong. No it's not brokenly overpowered, and if you are actually cutting baneslayer for it, it's unclear which card is stronger. Expecially if you've got exile based removal making any sort of presence in your cube this card can quite easily be dealt with, and even a regular doom blade in response to her pod trigger does good work.
I mean hey, 5 mana is a lot. you're getting your mana's worth here. Also of note is that in deference to restoration angel it can only save a creature, and flashing in her on your opponent's end step doesn't create random 3/3s they didn't see coming.
If you thought this card was broken, give it a shot (I suggest 2 printouts and a perfect fit, it allows for easy flipping), it's probably not as format ruining as you might have thought. And if you don't like transform cards, well sucks to be you. See you in a year I guess, while the rest of us cool people have fun, and talk about how sweet and flavorful these cards are
Yes it's good, I love that it hits non-attacking creatures unlike immolating glare, and the downside is real but not horrible. I literally saw someone play a match against it, and the first game they thought it was super overpowered, the second game they thought it was utter trash, and the 3rd game they decided it was "Strong, but alright"
I still think my suggestion to not cube like 4 of this card is probably a smart one.
The aformentioned player with Drana, Mikaeus, and Kalitas also had this gem in his 13 swamp deck (so it was probably performing better than average).
Card is good, his zombie count was a little low, but he did have 2 gravecrawlers and Fleshbag Marauder (who seems very strong with our friend here) and he was a fine resiliant attacker on his own.
I've had concerns that it's a little frustrating that he can just block forever, and no ammount of terminates can deal with it, which are somewhat valid. However, the

cost to block a creature and the simple act of holding back a 2/3 and just about anything else, combined with a fair sprinkling of exile cards (which should likely be in your environment anyways, if this card looks at all appealing to you) means that he's more than manageable. I didn't even have magma spray and I had no trouble. He's strong, but not overly so
Still no test data on black delver or the green flip guy who faux Oath of Nissa's for

(they weren't in the pool)