necromancy over nev disk, mana confluence, prognostic sphinx, westvale abbey
brimaz over merfolk looter, overwhelming stampede, phyrexian revoker. I've already ranted about this card in this thread, but I really don't like cards I can't pass because they're this strong

tasigur over galepowder mage, herald of torment, sin collector
precinct captain over dictate of heliod, soldier of the pantheon, bloodsoaked champion. Risky pick I need to figure out which deck I am or get fixing soon
seeing a lotttt of green, not much black. probably time to abandon that path. Evolutionary leap over yasova dclaw, ainok survivalist, renegade krasis
collected company I can't not do it. picked over duskwatch recruiter though it pains me
mirror entity over eidolon of blossoms
sandsteppe citadel over spectral procession, terrastodon. They don't help coco so sure why not nab fixing while we can

eternal dragon only card in the pack for us, dont really wanna run it
big pack. Strangleroot geist, overwhelming stampede, flickerwisp. Tough. Flickerwisp keeps our mana easy and works with coco. Geist demands a lot of our manabase with our WW cards. Picking flickerwisp.
temple of plenty. I want plenty of fixing.
soldier of the pantheon over dictate of heliod for curve and coco purposes
renegade krasis over jungle shrine
knight of the white orchid god I love being in the right colors
p15 eidolon of blossoms
consul's lieutenant over courser of kruphix, oring, karmic guide. may be wrong
hard pick. Precursor golem? spaer of heliod? sorin, solemn visitor? The sorin is stronger, but spear is great with first strike crew. Spear.
yikes! condemn or loxodon smiter? I say smiter because our deck doesnt want to give them life and we actually want to be kinda creature heavy if possible.
immense pack. We have five on color cards and several are favorites of mine. Ajani steadfast, wolfbriar elemental, arbor elf, avatar of the resolute, become immense. It's between the pump spell and the ajani, and I think Ajani is going to be stronger for us.
hell yeah dryad militant.
naturalize, sure. Nice to have in the board.
spirit of the labyrinth is sweet in our fair deck
silverblade paladin is perfect for our deck. Picked over GW wurm thingy
Karmic guide came back but I still dont think we're interested. We don't want myth realized either so I'll just pick guide.
eh... battlefield forge? nothing for us.
captains claws probably won't play
varolz, don't think we're splashing black though
loxodon warhammer glad I valued it low earlier
some red card
accorder paladin over not much else honestly for p3p1
frontline medic is way better than normal in our deck. picking over chameleon colossus, quarantine field, surrak, the hunt caller, spellskit
ooooh tough one. Epochrasite or emeria angel? I'm a little all-in on cmc3 or less creatures atm despite only having one CoCo. Cheating epochrasite in is super sick... but flying tokens are good with a lot of our other cards. Emeria angel.
mold shambler will be an all star in our board.
bonesplitter or seaside citadel? bonesplitter I guess, we dont want a ton of taplands
groundswell not playing it
mardu woe-reaper
sunpetal grove
pacifism still not sure I even want removal as weird as that sounds
springleaf drum not playing it
increasing devotion. Not sure we want a five drop but if we do, man is this ever exactly it!
hate all is dust
seaside citadel how sick is that?
two off color cards.