Sets [FRF] Fate Reforged spoilers

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member

There's a good one!
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Flamespeaker has been a bit of a let-down for me as well. Its kind of a narrow card; only really fitting into low curve red decks, which I find don't really need a card advantage engine to begin with.

My red section can be very controlling, but thats because so many of the creatures in my cube either start with or have toughness 3 or less. In a low toughness world, red can really compete with white as an answer color, and has the advantage of being able to easily shift out of a control role and into an aggressive role.
I don't want blue to just become other colors. I want blue to have an identity beyond super niche things, control, and being too broken to print.
Chris I think you're being a bit glib, blue is almost always involved as enabler for any synergy strategy, and has tonnes of value cards that work their way into rock type decks and tempo decks, you don't need to pollute it with garb creatures that other colours are perfectly capable of contributing to the pool in order to make blue functional over a variety of archetypes lol. You're really just making it really easy to find dorks and really uncertain to find card advantage / disruption for the decks that are about something other than attacking for 2 consistently.

Will this even get played in constructed? Isn't disdainful stroke just better? There are like ... two gold cards <4 CMC that get played.

I actually think this card is pretty cool and if I had a peasant cube I would be kinda excited. To elaborate, I think it's great that they've moved away from what would normally be "{1}{G}, return a creature :" so you can get double-wrecked by removal.


Ecstatic Orb
Man, the reverse would have been golden (heh heh) in my multicolor cube. Oddly enough I don't want my drafters to feel punished for playing more than one color... (in other words, why is this appearing in a multicolor block?)


Man, the reverse would have been golden (heh heh) in my multicolor cube. Oddly enough I don't want my drafters to feel punished for playing more than one color... (in other words, why is this appearing in a multicolor block?)

You figure playing a 7-6-4 mana base is punishment enough?

Also, morph/manifest kind of defeats counterspells handily.
I've been thinking about Humble Defector a lot, since the effect is super interesting. I think he might actually be really good. If you're digging in red, often you're just looking for the last few points of burn, in which case you don't care if your opponent gets to draw. There's a lot of other incidental synergies with him that seem fun, like the fact that he's a human, or dropping him in a Mimic Vat. I'm gonna try him out and see what happens.


Ecstatic Orb
I've been thinking about Humble Defector a lot, since the effect is super interesting. I think he might actually be really good. If you're digging in red, often you're just looking for the last few points of burn, in which case you don't care if your opponent gets to draw. There's a lot of other incidental synergies with him that seem fun, like the fact that he's a human, or dropping him in a Mimic Vat. I'm gonna try him out and see what happens.

I was thinking the same thing! There's also sacrifice effects like Goblin Bombardment. Activate, sacrifice, the ability on the stack will try to do as much as possible. Bonus points if you have a sacrifice outlet and a mimic vat of course ;)

Chris Taylor

Weird. The 1 power always backfires. There's always a wall in the way. Maybe my spells are just too expensive?

Come on man, 2 power. He does have double strike after all!
And hey, if there's literally nothing to pump him maybe he'll be a bit worse, but a single bonesplitter lets him chew through blockers, let alone something silly like grafted wargear.
Thirdly, if he can kill a blocker with first strike damage he will trample over and still net you a card, so 1 toughness blockers have to hold him back 2 at a time.

I've been thinking about Humble Defector a lot, since the effect is super interesting. I think he might actually be really good. If you're digging in red, often you're just looking for the last few points of burn, in which case you don't care if your opponent gets to draw. There's a lot of other incidental synergies with him that seem fun, like the fact that he's a human, or dropping him in a Mimic Vat. I'm gonna try him out and see what happens.
Super bonus points if you manage to untap him and get another activation first. I know that probably means kiora's follower or something janky, but live that dream!


Ecstatic Orb
Come on man, 2 power. He does have double strike after all!
And hey, if there's literally nothing to pump him maybe he'll be a bit worse, but a single bonesplitter lets him chew through blockers, let alone something silly like grafted wargear.
Thirdly, if he can kill a blocker with first strike damage he will trample over and still net you a card, so 1 toughness blockers have to hold him back 2 at a time.
I know! I run two Bonesplitters, a Madcap Skills, and several other power-enhancers, and still he disappoints. I couldn't figure out why, so I just had to assume he wasn't as good at the table as he looked on paper.

Chris Taylor

I know! I run two Bonesplitters, a Madcap Skills, and several other power-enhancers, and still he disappoints. I couldn't figure out why, so I just had to assume he wasn't as good at the table as he looked on paper.

Is it the searing spears maybe? Probably not, since I think I have the highest searing spear density of just about anyone, burn spell wise. (Meaning percentage of burn spells that deal 3+ damage, not percentage of cube that is searing spear, in this case)

It will suck if he just dies EOT every time he's cast, but a 3 drop is a big(ish) investment. Do people feel like they need something like blade splicer or xathrid necromancer or they feel they won't get their value's worth from their 3 drops?
Do people feel like they need something like blade splicer or xathrid necromancer or they feel they won't get their value's worth from their 3 drops?

I just think those cards are 'safe' while something like flamespeaker is much more powerful. As far as game plan goes it's a relatively small 'risk' to try and get value with flamespeaker, it just doesn't play out that great because without pumps it just gets stonewalled by something as simple as sea gate oracle. On the other hand it has a huge "block me!" target on its head while not dying too easily, so you can look at it as a mini-falter or something?

New cards! Actually just one because the other two are miserable!

Closest comparison is runechanter's pike, which counts stuff you cast before itself, but doesn't count artifacts, enchantments or planeswalkers cast. While this is a slight mana dump, it doesn't require sorcery speed. Potential for this thing seems pretty high to me.